Chapter 7

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We were quietly walking up the stairs to my apartment. Nervousness creeped up to me as I felt his strong presence behind me, following me. I didn't really think this idea through, huh. I was trying to remember what condition my apartment was in when I left, is my bedroom door closed, is my laundry not laying on the couch???

"Perfect..." I think to myself as we get to my door. I turn around to get the keys out of my bag and almost bump into Mr. Yea-... Eren. This hallway was so cramped,  he had to stand closer than usual and looked... bigger than usual. It was as if his body was shielding me from the rest of the world. I was stuck in between him and the door. I stop in my movements and see him staring at me.

"What's wrong?" He said, his voice softer than usual while looking down at me.

"Oh uh, nothing...." I grab the keys and turn around. Maybe he was not the only one who was staring...

The doors of my apartment open and I get in first, then let him in. He took a moment to take off his shoes while I went to put water to boil. I was secretly watching him take off his jacket, and then I remembered the reason why he was even here.

"I'll bring you some of Reiner's clothes, you can sit down on the couch." I walk hurriedly to my room and open the closet, searching for some of my brothers clothes he leaves here when he spends the night. I wanted to get back to Eren as soon as possible, knowing he was probably inspecting my whole apartment.

I quickly look around my room to see if anything was out of place, because I knew he would have to pass here in order to go to the bathroom and change. When I was sure everything was okay, I put on my poker face and walk out to meet him.

"Here you go, the bathroom is right there" I look over to the couch and see he wasn't there.

"I didn't want to get your couch wet." He was standing while having his hands in pockets. He takes two steps and he was already in front of me.

"Thank you." I nodd and hand him the clothes. When he walks away and dissappears behind closed door, I was finally able to breathe. Somehow I always found myself holding my breath when he was close to me.

I try to calm myself down and go back to preparing our tea. My head was full of thoughts, all having to do something with him. Maybe it was the fact that I never had a guy in my apartment, or the fact that that guy is my professor, but I felt... weird.

"Y/N." I flinched and turned around when he called me by my name. I was so deeply in my thoughts, I didn't even hear him coming out.

"May I spread these out?" I look up and down his body, seeing how well the casual clothes fitted him. He was showing me his wet clothes, but I needed a second.

This was not good. The way I felt right now. It was not right. I was supposed to hate him, right? He gave me more work to do than I had all past semester, so I despise him, right? But then again, why does he have to look so good.

"Um, yes, I'll turn on the heater so they can dry." I go to my couch where I had my heater plugged in. Pulling one chair closer, I set it in front of the heater and lay his wet clothes there so they would dry out.

Eren sits down and I set our tea cups on the table. Pouring the hot liquid in his cup first, he was watching my every move. When I sat down and poured myself one too, I realized the silence we were in. Was I supposed to talk to my professor right now? I had no idea about what to say, so I take sip of my tea and avoid looking at him.

"You don't have work today?" Eren's voice made its way to my ears and finally made me look at him.

"I only work on the days I don't have classes." I said and he nodded, looking down at his hand that was wrapped around the cup. My eyes wander to my wet backpack, where my papers for his class were. I suddenly remember and my eyes widen... My laptop...

I get up so quickly, forgetting about who was sitting in front of me and just wanting to see the condition of my laptop.

"No way..." I open my bag that was soaked, and so was everything inside of it.

"There's no way..." I start breathing heavily and I felt my eyes tear up. My laptop was not turning on, and it was clearly not going to turn on... ever again. I couldn't believe it. I ran out in the rain so stupidly, completely forgetting how important things were in my backpack. Just because I wanted to be stubborn in front of him.

All my documents for college... gone. Everything I did for past years, it was all gone. And how was I going to afford a new one? I barely cover for this apartment and that little food I need.

"Y/N." I heard Mr. Yeager's voice behind me. I rub my cheek with the back of my hand to erase the tear that just fell and tell myself to get it together. Clearing my throat I stand up and turn to him.

"It's fine... I'll get it fixed and turn in my assignment on time I promise..." The old me, me that lived for school and grades, was brought out again. I promised myself I would change, but it wasn't possible.

I will always feel this type of pressure, no matter what. I felt it in high school, now in college and I know it will be there when I get a job.

"Relax." Mr. Yeager's deep voice instructed me. I noticed he was looking at my hand, which was tightened in a fist. I take a deep breath and do as he says, walking back to my seat to have a sip of tea.

"I'm sorry... I'm just-" As soon as I felt warmer and calmer because of the tea I look at him to apologize but he stops me.

"Don't apologize. And don't worry about that assignment, okay?" I noticed his hand that was layed on the table move forward, but he stops in time and acts as if he wanted to take the cup.

I nodd, but his words meant nothing to me. Laptop was the only way I was connected to college, I didn't have notebooks as I wrote on there. I only have  few books for my other classes and some are wet from today too.

"Y/N... Your hand is shaking." I didn't even notice I was completely zoned out again. And that I was possibly overly reacting.

"I'm s-" I wanted to apologize again, but he stops me.

"Don't be." He looked at me for a couple of seconds and sighed.

"I am sorry. I was way too hard on you, now that I see how much you aim for perfection. You want to make everything you do perfect, but I made it impossible for you. That's why you're so stressed out, right?" I listened to him literally reading me like a book. When he said it, it sounded so simple.

"It's not your fault, please. I gave a wrong first impression, and then that talk you overhead with my brother..." I remembered how embarrassing that moment was. But at the same time, I wanted to chuckle as I recall Mr. Yeager's face. He tried to keep calm, but he was fuming on the inside.

"Right, your brother..." He repeated my words, more to himself. As if he was making sure he heard it correctly. I press my lips together and nodded, looking down as another round of silence caught up.

"Well, then..." He finally speaks and gets up. I get up automatically as well and see he has finished his tea.

"Thank you for letting me warm up." I could swear there was a smile on his face for a second. Even if it was, it was quickly replaced with his usual, serious expression. We walked over to my door and he started putting his shoes on.

"I'll wash the clothes and return them to you in next class." I lean on the wall while nodding as I watched his figure bend down and carefully put on his expensive looking shoes. They looked kind of funny right now, as they were way to fancy to wear with this casual outfit.

"Whenever is okay." I give him a small smile and he opens the door, turning around one last time and saying:

"See you tomorrow." And he walks down the stairs, not giving me time to reply. Just when I closed my doors, I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I don't have classes tomorrow..." I think to myself. So what did he mean by that...

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