2- interrupted

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Your breath hitched, a palpable wave of shock crashing over you ike a tidal wave crashing against the shore.

"W-What happened to you? Felix, are you alright?" Your voice trembled with concern, eyes wide as you took in his appearance.

"I'm fine, don't worry", he reassured, stepping aside for you to enter. But you didn't move, frozen in place by a mixture of shock and apprehension.

"Answer me," you implored softly, though the weight of your unspoken distrust hung heavy in the air between you.

He sighed, meeting your gaze steadily.

"I had a minor disagreement with some guys on the streets a few hours ago. As I said- just a few bruises, nothing to fret about.""

You did not believe a single word, yet you opted to let the lie slide. Your presence here was driven by another matter entirely. 

Walking past him, you entered his house and walked straight to the living room, settling onto his couch. 

"Would you like anything?", his voice echoed from the kitchen

"I'm fine," you replied, though the words tasted bitter on your tongue. You were far from that. The ache in your heart demanded answers, and you would not rest until you had them.

"Very well," he conceded, joining you with a steaming cup of coffee in hand before taking a seat opposite you.

"Still not home?", he asked. You immediately knew what he meant... who he meant.

"No. Since days"

"Listen Y/n, you know I'm saying that every time but he will come home soon. Trust me"

"I know Felix. But how?!", you raised your voice a tiny bit, "bruised? Full of blood? Just like you?"

Felix looked down at the cup in his hands.

"Do you have an explanation for that?", you mumbled, disappointed.

"How could I?", he said and looked up.

"Is it really a coincidence that you're awake every night? That you don't seem to be surprised by the fact that he's missing every day or comes home bruised? That you're bruised like this yourself?"

You did not plan to come at him like that. But the moment you started to speak it all bursted out of you. You kept all those thoughts for so long that it felt like a relief to finally say it.

Felix on the other hand looked at you with wide eyes.

"Y/n, you should listen to yourself. You sound absolutely feral"

"Tell me why you're not surprised"

Felix's gaze faltered, a fleeting glimpse of guilt flickering across his features before he composed himself once more. "Because I know him. I know his loyalty. He would never betray you."

"Then explain why I'm left in the dark," you pressed, the frustration and fear simmering just beneath the surface

"Because you don't know his true self", he whispered.

His eyes slightly widened when he realized. It was obvious that it slipped. But that made you curious even more.

"What did you just say?!", you whispered and walked up to him. He remained silent.

"Damn it Felix, say something", you begged him and grabbed his shoulders, not caring about the coffee in his hands at all.

"Y/n forget what I just said, please. It's better when you just let it be"

"What is he doing that you both want to keep it a secret from his own girlfriend?", you demanded, your voice rising with each passing moment.

He looked at you. "It's nothing worse. Trust me. He's just not allowed to speak about it"

"Is he a spy?"

Felix laughed dryly, the sound echoing in the empty spaces between you. "No," he replied, though the truth of his words rang hollow in the silence that followed, "Y/n for real. Just trust me. He's not allowed to talk about it but he's doing fine. He even... asked me if I could keep an eye on you. But don't tell him that, he'd kill me", he urged.

"As if I could tell him", you whispered, a wave of sadness overcoming you.

Felix noticed it and stood up, putting his coffee on the table behind you before pulling you into a hug.

"It will be fine. He'll come home soon"

You did not know why you were satisfied with the answer. Felix did not tell you a single bit about Hyunjin but you still felt... relieved. Maybe because he somehow managed to take your worries away. When Felix said that Hyunjin is fine he probably is.

"Do you wanna stay here? I don't want to let you drive home again"

"I'll take the couch", you said as you let go off him.

"Okay then, but-"

He got cut off by some noises at the front door. It sounded like a key.

You looked at him, confused. Who would visit him at nearly 4am?!

However, when you met his gaze, Felix's expression turned to one of panic, his eyes wide with fear as he turned looked back at you with a sense of urgency.

"Fuck Y/n hide!"

"What?", you asked, utterly confused about the entire situation.

He dragged you into the kitchen and pulled you under the counter.

"Stay here and don't move or make a single noise", he said.

There were so many questions burning up in your mind right now that you couldn't think straight.

But you didn't dare to question him by the look in his eyes. Full of blank panic.

And then someone opened the door.

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