20- japan

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Following Mikyeong out of the airplane, you found yourself not in a regular public airpot, but more on some hidden runway.... In the middle of nowhere.

What seemed weird to you at first, made sense as soon as you thought about it just a bit more.

Right... since Mikyeong- and somehow even I- are not only part of a gang, but are also chased by one, it wouldn't be that smart to just show up at some airpot.

The landscape stretched out before you like a painting come to life, with majestic mountains looming on the horizon, their rugged peaks bathed in the warm, golden hues of the setting sun. The sky above was awash with vibrant shades of pink and orange, casting a surreal glow over the scene below.

Mikyeong leaned casually against the weathered frame of a Land Rover, her silhouette outlined against the fading light. Despite the tense circumstances, there was a serene beauty to the moment, a fleeting sense of tranquility amidst the chaos.

"Beautiful, right?" Mikyeong's voice broke the silence, her eyes fixed on the distant mountains.

You just hummed in response as you continued to look around you.

The „plane" you both were flying with was actually very small- the pilot probably still inside.

„Well then I'm sorry to interrupt you but we really have to go... I have an appointment tonight and the way to our place is quite long" she said as she hopped in the car and started the engine.

„Where are we going? Or wait no... what appointment do you have?! We just escaped, who knows that we're here?!", you started to attack her with questions as you got in the car yourself.

„Yo", she said and looked at you, „keep it low. Just because I saved you doesn't mean I have to tell you everything from now on. Just do what I say and you'll be save while I'm trying to come up with a plan"

Gulping at her words, you just looked outside the window as she started to drive, following the empty street.

Since Mikyeong already told you that it'd be a long drive, you leaned your head against the window and looked at the mountains and the sunset, allowing your thoughts to speak up.

So Hyunjin thought that I'd be the spy? That's why he acted like this? But... what made him change his mind so quickly? He stormed out of the room completely furious and attacked me the same night?!

And Jaemin... you gave your best friend, who you trusted with your life, a second chance and trusted him again... and then he broke it? Were you really so meaningless to him?!

But then....  If you were really that meaningless to him- why would he defend you in front of the gang members? If he wouldn't have given a fuck, then he could've just said you were also a spy, couldn't he?!

Ugh... seriously... what was going on with the men in my life lately?!, you thought.

But back to Hyunjin... he surely made it out alive, just... does he know you're really not a spy? Does he know he was wrong?

And the most important question... did he still love you?

Probably? Back at the car scene, his eyes mirrored his anger... but deep inside, it was clearly noticeable that his heart was shattered. That he was heartbroken and was so emotionally lost that he couldn't help himself but to drown in self-hate.

So if he did... and if he knew he was wrong... then what is he doing now?

The way you knew him, and the way you saw him back at the hotel, you knew he'd hate himself- so much, that he probably decided to never talk to you again since he would be too ashamed... probably even too ashamed to look at himself.

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