18- gang's target

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"Hyu- what?" You attempted to utter, but the words caught in your throat, suffocated by the surreal scene unfolding before you.

Your mind struggled to comprehend as you gazed at your boyfriend—what in the world was happening?

The men surrounding you—were they allies or adversaries? Their stoic faces revealed nothing, adding to the air of uncertainty shrouding the situation.

But amid the confusion, one thing remained starkly clear—Hyunjin held his gun to your head.

"I was so dumb," he murmured, his voice tinged with self-reproach. "How could I be so fucking dumb?"

Your heart raced as you whispered, "Hyunjin, what's going on?" desperately searching for a glimmer of reassurance in his eyes.

But there was none. His gaze remained icy, devoid of warmth or familiarity.

With a trembling hand, he reached out to caress your cheek, but you recoiled, a surge of fear coursing through you. Something was terribly wrong.

"Now look at this," he chuckled darkly. "You were disgusted by me, weren't you? Just pretending to love me? Did you cheat on me with him? Tsk... why am I even asking when I already know you did."

The accusation hit you like a punch to the gut. Disgusted? Pretending? Cheating? Who was he even talking about?

Your mind spun with questions, but before you could voice them, you snapped, fueled by a surge of indignation.

"What did you just say?!" you seethed, your voice laced with fury. "I've never cheated on you, never just pretended to love you! I've been the one waiting up every night, worried sick about you! And now you accuse me of this? Where the fuck do you get off saying something like that?"

Your outburst seemed to momentarily startle him, but his expression quickly hardened into one of anger and suspicion.

"When will you stop with the lies?!" he spat. "I've caught you both, it's over. Who are you working for?"

The accusation hit you like a ton of bricks—did he truly believe you were a spy?

"Hyunjin, are you out of your mind?!" you retorted, incredulous. "Why would I betray you? Where are you getting these absurd accusations?"

Before you could comprehend his response, he roughly slammed you against the car, his grip tightening with each passing moment.

"I've had enough of your lies!" he growled. "Tell me who you're working for, or I'll kill him!"

Your heart pounded in your chest as panic seized you. Who was he talking about? And why was he so convinced of your betrayal?

Frustration and fear welled up inside you as you yelled, "Who are you talking about?!"

Hyunjin's eyes widened momentarily, but his expression quickly reverted to its cold, unyielding state.

"This makes no sense, Hyunjin," one of the masked men interjected, stepping forward.

As he removed his mask, your breath caught in your throat—Chan?

But the older man didn't spare you so much as a glance, instead whispering something into Hyunjin's ear.

Chan was talking about me during the meeting! They really think I'm the spy! Hyundai didn't believe it at first but something must've convinced him that he started to believe it. That's also why he's so hurt and angry. He thought I just used him for informations!

Then, the men around me are probably all gang members, so no one's on my side.

That also ends my chance of escaping somehow- I would get shot in a matter of seconds.

Hyunjin looked at you again as Chan stepped away from, returning to his old position.

"Now, what should I do with you?" he whispered, his finger tracing your jawline as he holstered his gun.

You weren't sure of his intentions, but the gun being put away gave you a glimmer of hope.

"Hyunjin, listen," you whispered, meeting his gaze. "I'm not the spy. I'm not working for anyone, and I don't know who you're talking about. Can't you see we've been together for years? I've always been there for you, worrying about you. I love you, damn it!"

You hoped your words would make him see reason, but they seemed to anger him more.

Hyunjin's grip tightened around your neck, cutting off your air supply. You struggled to breathe, tears welling up in your eyes.

„Hyunjin, you know I have a secret choking kink, right? Kind of the wrong time to turn me on right now", you spat, surprising both you and him with your sudden sarcasm.

„Stop. It. Can't you see what you're doing?! You. Got. Caught. But I really have to admit that you did a good job, I really fell for you. Fuck it Y/n I thought you were the love of my life", he silently said- his voice threatening to break at the end of his sentence.

Your eyes filled with tears as he pressed more and more on your neck, oxygen leaving your body. You knew you wouldn't make it any longer.

„I l-love you too you dumba-", you tried to say under your tears as you realized you were close to suffocating.

But then shots fell.

Hyunjin immediately let go off your neck and pulled out his gun, turning around to the direction the shot's were coming from.

You fell on the floor, choking and busy pumping air into your body, when you got pulled up harshly by Hyunjin, who dragged you into the wood, two of his men following.

The sound of gunshots faded and you lost hope of eventual rescue. It was over. You couldn't do anything against Hyunjin and the man.

Wait... the man?!

Where did the second one go?!

Right the time you realized one of them was gone, Hyunjin and the remaining one also noticed.

Suddenly, the remaining one got also shot into his back.

A slim and tiny person, also dressed completely black, appeared behind him.

But Hyunjin was quick to react, putting his gun on your head once again. More of his men appeared behind your savior.

Your savior on the other hand didn't waste any time and shot Hyunjin right into his side, causing the male to let you go.

Since he was still your boyfriend, you of course were shocked and your first impulse was to look after him, but the skeptical voice in your head appeared once again, this time telling you to run. Which was exactly what you did.

Gunshots appeared behind you again, but that didn't stop you from running. Instead, you just continued to run deeper in the wood... seeing another car.

Before you were able to reach it, you heard another gunshot directly behind you.

And then you felt on you knees, feeling incredible pain on your side. You were shot.

„If Hyunjin can't, then I'll do it instead", Chan said and forcefully slammed you to the ground.

„I fucking knew that you were the spy, try to be more careful next time. Oh wait what am I saying... there will be no next ti-"

You weren't able to hear the rest of his sentence, as you blacked out for a few seconds, feeling yourself loosing way to much blood.

His voice faded and your vision started to blur, when suddenly his face disappeared completely- right before you closed your eyes.

Seconds later, you could hear a dull noise before someone carefully turned you around and laid their hands on your wound.

The person cursed before you could feel their hands in your face, slapping your cheeks slightly.

„I'll bring you out of here, just stay with me, ok?"

The moment you recognized the voice you nearly died out of shock instead out of your wounds.

It was Mikyeong.

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