the encounter

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"Who on earth do you think you are to block the way because your silly nonsense BMW has been touched. What type of sh*t is this". Sabreen barked at a guy leaning on to his BMW X3 , In the middle of the road

He acted as if he didn't hear her.

_Are u deaf or something, we have places to go and this poor adaidaita man has already apologized so just f*ck it off and carry your car out of here." She added.

"Just shut up" he shouted at once. And she almost lost her balance.

Sometimes before

The day Sabreen's been waiting for has finally arrived , and it's looks like luck isn't in her favor. First she woke up 7 instead of six and secondly she tripped and fall and got injured in her leg though it was small but she still has to throw tantrums anyway. and hibiscus drink ruined her clothes the one she bought for the grad and she has to where another one. So the day has been very frustrating.
she hoped into her Pontiac and went out of their crib with speed since she's late. The annoying thing is that among all the architecture graduating students she has been picked for the opening speech. So she has to be punctual.

She met a traffic on her way.she asked the neighboring driver what caused it.
"It's ZAYN SARAUTA . His car has been hit by adaidaita man so he came out and stood on the road". Explained the man.
"Then someone should speak some sense to him nah how can he block the road we have places to go" she said looking annoyed.
"Ma'am no one will dare do that to him he is very powerful."
"Mtchew she hissed and open the door of her car. Ma'am no don't go". She just smirked and matched there in anger


"I wasn't talking to you was I, so if you want to live peacefully carry your legs and go back. you won't dare messing with me". He said softly and calmly.
"What if I don't, what can you do.$
"No ma'am please don't put your self in trouble" said the adaidaita driver.
"Kaidin wayena Kafi Allah neh da baza'a Maka laifi bah"( who are you are you better than God that no one will wrong you)" raeshat hura "(nonsense jerk) she hissed.

He came close and stopped 1 step away from her staring at her blue orbs with his blue ones.
she refused to lower her gaze nor did she step back.
Hey young lady mind your tongue if not I will cut it and feed it to the dogs." samieat an"(I heard that).
"thuma qasaha" (then cut it ) she yelled.
"la tajru ealaya" ( don't dare me) he warned.
"la yumkinuk altarajue ean fiel 'ayi shay'" (back off you can't do anything) she said as she pushed him.
He fumed, turned, enter his car and zoomed off.

Zayn's POV

"This girl most be crazy, I've never looked like an idiot in public like today what did she turned me to. And I couldn't even do anything darn it! he shouted hitting the stearing wheel very hard. I can't believe a girl did this me. When even men didn't have the guts to, like who did she think she is.
The blue orbs. Who is she?" He asked him self.
He went straight to the airport, boarded his PJ and went straight to jidda.

Author 's POV

Everyone was very surprised how she talked to him and he didn't do anything to her.
the adaidaita man thank her and also warned her to stay out of Zayn's path. She went and entered her car and also left.
Although people didn't know wat they said in Arabic but with the scenes. They were Predicting wat happened and what they might have said to each other.
She was kinda late so as she entered the venue she went directly to the stage and gave her speech.
later her family members started appearing in the hall the everything went smooth and cool.
They were given their certificate and tesmonial and they took tons and tons of pictures.

The feeling of being graduated after 5 years is overwhelming. With all the people trying to discourage her and be like architecture is a men course not girls. But she was determined with what she wants so she tried well. She cried and cried alot saying they are making her emotional by repeating she's a first class student. And the best graduating student.

"Ammy what are u giving me for my 20th" brithday she asked. Habibty u will know tomorrow.
"Babies let's go for shopping ya fawaz said smiling". Although she's tired she still stood up.
So where are we going.
Ado bayero mall he said as they hoped in his GlK.

"Keh come out I'm sitting in the front sit ya Abba" yelled dragging Sabreen out.
"Torh wai komai neh sai kayi ihu"( it is everything that you must shout of) she whined.
"keeh I'm i your mate I will slap the sh*t out of you now" he said closing the door.
She entered the back sit with her cousins and kept shut through out the ride.
We are here, he said and they all got down. She entered ignoring everybody because she's still angry.

"Reen please wait up". Feena yelled. She just squeezed her face.
They shopped and shopped with Abba complaining on some things and her mood was still not that cool.
After they were done she decided to went up to the cinema area to get some popcorn. After getting the popcorn and was trying to go she accidentally hitted someone.
"Are u insane" the girl yelled as she was slapping her.
"WTF did you just did" Sabreen said slapping her back. "Who tf do you think you are slapping me. Are you okay?" She asked pointing at her head.
"You jerk who are you to slap Nusy sarauta" she shouted in a murderous tone.
Sabreen added her another slap. "Sabreen Dan batta" she answered with a dirty glare.
"Wait are you a Nigerian?" a stranger asked looking at Sabreen weiredly.
"Why do you care," She answered not bothered to look at him.
"And you wat so ever you call your self don't think you can ever mess with me, I don't take that nonsense so better respect your self" Sabreen said walking away and leaving her popcorn lying on the floor.
" You stayed long why and where is the popcorn" she didn't reply and seeing that she doesn't want to reply they left her alone. She leaned on the door and started crying. The most annoying thing is that her popcorn that some random freaking bitch made her left.
She literally cry over everything although she also have a strong heart. They kept asking her what happened but she kept crying and didn't let out a word.
"Karta fada mana ina ruwan Wani intah mutu" (what if she didn't talk who cares if she dies) Ya Abba started yelling.
"Whatever" she wined.
"I swear I'm gonna beat the sh*t out of you in this car do I look like your mate idiot".
She just kept quiet because she knows he can do more.
"Torh it's okay sorry you guys" ya fawaz pleaded. The ride home completed in silence ya Abba got down at their crib's gate while ya fawaz horned at sabreen's crib. They entered and she stormed to her room.

The real game has just started!
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