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"Ya Zayn Mimi is very angry tell what happened please." Mujaheed asked.
Zayn told Mujaheed each and every thing that happened. And Mujaheed got angry too.
"How dare she think that cheap of you. You did the right thing I swear to God she will never do that again to any person. Shamless bitch" he said.
"Now I want to go and explain everything to Mimi" Zayn uttered as he stood up.
"I'm coming with you" Mujaheed said.
"Okay let's go." Zayn started walking out of the room and Mujaheed followed behind him.
When they entered Mimi's part she was nowhere to be found so they located her room. As they entered the room they saw her sitting on the sofa and it's looks like she about to end a call.
They entered quietly and sat on the rug Infront of her. 
"Zayn!" Mimi called. "Tell me, did you or did you not rape her?" Mimi asked in a fit of range.
Zayn and Mujaheed asked "rape her?" In chorus.
Yes rape her Mimi answered.
"Mimi there is no way ya zayn will rape anyone it's not possible it has never happened and it never will." Mujaheed stated confused.
Zayn couldn't even utter a word because he couldn't even process the sentence.
"Mujaheed I'm not asking you I'm asking Zayn. Zayn! Answer me did you." She stated adding to the tension in the air.
"Mimi I didn't, there is no way I will Mimi there is no way" he said in a low tone.
"Tell me the truth. Balaraba told me you disvirgined her daughter then what really happened?" She asked again.
"I promise you Mimi I didn't even let her set a foot in our varenda please believe me it's just an accusation." Zayn muttered holding his mother's hands.
"But why on earth will she say you did this and now she is saying you must marry her daughter." Mimi said looking at Zayn.
"No! No! No! Mimi. I won't marry her I can't and I won't I promise I didn't even touch her Mimi. Mimi I am your son you know the morals you installed in me, you know the type of person I am. How can I rape her. On the first tought how did she even went to our part of the house what took her there I'm i insane? Mimi you know that I don't drink, is not that I did it in an intoxicated state. I promise you I didn't even touch her." Zayn cried.
"What is happening here?" Abba who just entered the room asked looking confused.
No one could utter a word.

Sometimes before......

"So tell me what really happened." Hajiya balaraba who is ramla's mother asked.
"Mama he,  she started and burst into tears he, he, he, raped me the released the dog for me so that I won't tell you guys what really happened." she cried.
"He raped you?" Mama asked again.
"Yes mama he did. And now no other man will marry me. He has already tore of my dignity and respect mama. He knows me as a woman." She  added.
"No Ramla he will marry you. He must marry you. He will. Don't worry okay. He will marry you." Her mother tryed to convince the evil Ramla.
"Let me call hajiya Sa'adatu right now." Hajiya balaraba uttered carrying her phone.
"Salamu alaikum hajiya Sa'adatu" was the first thing she uttered
"wa'alaikissalm warahmataullah" said Mimi from the other end.
"Sincerely speaking your son did unjust to my daughter, she went as far as raping her. Now my daughter who I raised with good morals will go to her husband's house without her virginity." She stated angryly through the phone.
"Raped her? who raped her? Zayn? No this can't happen it didn't happened Zayn will never rape a girl. I know my son I know my upbringing he will never do that you must be mistaken." Mimi spoke from the other end.
"So now my victimized poor daughter is lying right? Is that what you mean Hajiya Sa'adatu?"  She asked
"No I don't mean that but there is a misunderstanding here, Zayn will never do this." She said from the other end.
"Watever may happen your son must marry my daughter because he won't rape her and leave her with no one to marry. She said and cuted the call."
" Don't worry dear just go and take a hot bath okay." She said to her daughter.

End of flash back.

Mujaheed told abba everything he know because he was the only person that can talk at the moment.
"Abba! I promise you all I know I did to her is releasing danger and you can ask harun, he was there. I'm not sure if he heard our conversation but he knows I didn't let her in." Zayn spoke all tensed.
"Harun took a leave today that his mom isn't well and he doesn't have a phone." Abba said.
A call went in abba's phone and it was Ramla's father.
"I just came home now and heard that your son raped my daughter, sincerely speaking it hurted me but you are a friend to me so the only thing that can be done here is to get them married before it went viral because he won't victimize my daughter and leave her with no one to marry." Alhaji Saminu stated from the other end without even a Salam.
"Calm down Alhj saminu this is not a matter of phone and we have to talk this out because Zayn said he didn't even touch her." Abba said calmly.
"Her mother checked her and it did happen. So why will he even admit it?" Alhaji Saminu said in anger.
"Look calm down we are going to have a meeting about this tomorrow okay" Abba said and cuted the call.
"All of you should go and rest now okay we will talk about all this tomorrow." Abba ordered.

The next day.


"Why is Mr Zayn not here today?" She asked her self when she entered the office, she was afraid that she was kinda late. These days things are flowing quite peacefully between them.
"Let me ask the secretary she said moving out of his office.
Uhmm please why is Mr Zayn not here?" She asked.
"I don't know ma'am he didn't tell me about him being late or absence." He answered.
Okay she said.
She is having a bad feeling about it. And she's feeling quite restless. She went of of the office locating Mujaheed's office when she saw his secretary.
"Uhmm please is Mr Mujaheed arround?" she asked.
"No he's not and I don't know anything about his absence" he answered.
"Okay thank you" she said. "Now I'm becoming more worried" she thought.
"Wait, when did I start caring for them you should just forget it." She mentally scolded her self.
She went to her office and started a nap. She woke up around 10:30 and checked but he's not here. And the secretary told her he didn't contact him. She tried calling his phone but it isn't going through. 
Mujaheed's phone also and Zayn has an important meeting at 12:00pm.
She remember him telling her clearly that watever she will do he doesn't care but she should always make sure he attend his meetings.
"What I'm i surposed to do now?" She asked her self trying to think of an idea.
"Ma'am you can go to his house." The secretary stated         
" Hmm really, is that okay?" She asked.
"Yes ma whenever he has a meeting and this happened he told me I should go to his house and inform him. You can ask the office driver to take you there." The secretary told her.
It looks a little bit award but it's business so she'll just do it.
She went out to the basement and ask the driver to take her there. he took her inside the house.
"What should I do now, it's not proper to go to the BQ directly as a lady. Let me just go to his mom's part and she will help call him. Yes that's a great idea" she tought.
She asked the driver and he showed her.
She went and touched the bell the maid opened the door. "Ma'am please who are you looking for?" she asked after they exchanged greetings. "Is Mrs Sarauta around" Sabreen asked.
"Yes she is but who are you." She asked again.
"I am Sabreen Mr Zayn's personal assistant can I meet with him?"
"Yes ma'am Mr Zayn is currently here I will talk to him please come in.'
The maid lead the way while Sabreen trailed behind her.
Zayn, Abba, Mujaheed, Alhj Saminu, Mimi, Ramla, and hajiya balaraba were in a meeting when the maid announced Sabreen's arrival to Zayn.
Zayn looked up and looked at Sabreen. "Sabreen? What are you doing here?" he asked.
"What will she come here to do? To look for you ofcourse, this is what I'm telling you hajiya Sa'adatu now you see with your own eyes she is his streetwalker. She didn't see him in the office so she decided to follow him home." Hajiya balaraba answer zayn
"Wha..wha...what... Is going on here?" Sabreen stammered.
"Hey ma'am she is my PA so please don't utter one more word against me and her."  Zayn said in anger.
" I think I should be going" Sabreen said turning to go out.
"No you will not go anywhere" hajiya balaraba yelled. "This mannerless boy dared to dare me because of you  so you won't go anywhere" hajiya balaraba added.

Hi guys. Thanks for being with me.
So there is a tension in Sarauta mansion caused by Ramla.
Seriously I'm also angry 😡
How can she accuse him of rape just to marry him. Like is she crazy.
Okay ohh we'll see about her marry him whether it will happen or not.
Allah sarki Sabreen 😢the poor girl just went to check and inform her boss about his meeting and now she's included. Poor thing.
Mr secretary this is not a good advice.
Sha. We'll meet in the next page to see what will happen.

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Your girl Hafsarh🥀

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