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𝙱𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚎 𝙻𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎

"Reunion?" I scoffed, throwing the letter back onto the desk. "Why the fuck would I go to that?"

I stood up, grabbing a bowl of chips, before making my way towards the living room.

"I'm not going," I told Cael, before I dropped down beside him on the couch. "I refuse to."

"You're going," he told me. I groaned. "We have to. It's only fair."

We, yes. Cael joined us in Hogwarts the year after the accident. Our last year there. Therefore he was invited to the odd timed reunion. Eight years? Usually it's ten.

"When is it?" he asked.

"Friday," I said, comfying myself into the seat. "I'm not going."

"We have to go," he sighed. "You can't just ditch."

"I don't want to go to Hogwarts, Cael. All the memories will... They'll come back."

He knew about it all. He knew every bit. He became my Alex after the war, and I was thankful to have him. We moved to London together, and each got our own apartments. He's been in and out of relationships with girls, and I've been stuck with no one until Kyle. We've been each other's rocks.

"Is Pansy going?" he asked.

I shrugged. "Probably,? Anything to show off her ring at this point."


"Yeah, she's going."

"Then you're going," he finalized.

I groaned, shoving the chip bowl onto his lap, before getting up. "I don't like you."

"Too bad," he laughed. "You're stuck."

I made my way to the kitchen. Then I eyed him. "Do you maybe know why he's out?" I asked, curiously.

He was an auror after he left Hogwarts, which meant he had access to so many top secret things. He agreed to look into Theodore Nott, after his release a couple of days prior, but until now I didn't have the courage to ask about it.

He shook his head. "It's classified," he told me. "Someone of a higher ranking can access it. Maybe-"

"No," I laughed lightly. "I'm not asking him."

"Belle," Cael sighed. "Harry has one of the highest rankings in London. He's just around the corner. Maybe he'll actually-"

"We haven't spoken since," I told him. "Eight years, Cael. I can't go to him now and ask him to tell me shit about Theo. It's not-"

"But you're still curious," he interrupted. "It's been killing you for three days now, Belle. Go to him."

I sighed, looking at Cael. He was crazy. I wasn't going to Harry James Potter for help. He's mental.


"Who are you here to see?"

"Harry Potter," I told the receptionist.

He nodded and picked up the company phone, dilaing a three didget number. I watched as someone answered and she said a woman was here to see him. Then she looked at me.


"Lee," I said, and she nodded, answering him. I watched in angst when she put the phone down.

"Down the hall, black door on your right."

I thanked her, before walking down the hallways. Each door was a different colour, which was odd. When I reached the black door, I knocked. Not even a second later, Harry opened the door, and even he looked shocked to see me.

Harry Potter looked like a grown man. He had a beard, and still the same glasses. He was also slightly taller.

"Harry," I said, self shocked by his existence.

"Lee," he said, wide eyed.

"I go by Belle," I said, and he nodded.

"Come on in." He let me in, before he closed the door behind himself. He sat down behind his desk while I sat down across from him. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

I sighed. "I'm actually here to ask a favor..."

He rose an eyebrow. "Which his?"

"I wondered if you could help me find more out about someone. Cael didn't have anough authority, and you're the highest ranking in London..."

Harry sighed. "Is this about Alex?" he asked.

I nodded slowly. "Theodore Nott is out of Azkaban," I said. "I want to know how and why."

He looked at me while giving a sigh. "Lee- I mean Belle... You'll only hurt yourself-"

"But he's out, Harry. He can't be out. He killed-" I took a deep breath, preparing a lie. "He killed Mattheo. I need to know."

Harry sighed, before standing up. "Wait here. I'll be right back."

I watched as he stood up and walked out of the room, leaving me alone. My eyes wondered his quite spacious office, amused. Then my eyes fell onto a picture frame on the desk. Inside were multiple moving pictured of him, Ginny, and children. I smiled softly. Cute.

After what felt like an eternity, Harry returned with a file box. Inside were many files, all of Theodore.

"Here," he said, taking one out. He sat down again, placing the folder down in front of him. He looked at me again. "You sure you want to read this? Could have come out on good behavior."

I scoffed. "Merlin, please Harry. He killed people for the Dark Lord. You really think they'll let him out on good behavior? It's Theodore Nott. Not even I would be allowed out on good behavior."

Harry sighed. "Fair point, Belle."

He opened the file, and searched through the flaps and different papers. My eyes followed after him, seeing photos of him in the ministry court and all.

Then Harry stopped flipping pages and froze on one, before suddenly yanking his hands away from the file.

"What?" I asked, pulling the file to me.

"The murder charges were changed," he frowned. "They're now attempted murder..."

My eyes shot up to Harry.

Oh fuck. They found Mattheo. They know he's alive. They know he's not dead.

"Fuck," I said as I rushed through the papers. "How the fuck did he let that happen," I mumbled.

Harry grew a frown. "Let who what happen?" he asked.

Before I realized what I was thinking, I said: "He had to stay hidden. He had to hide!"

Suddenly Harry's hand slammed down onto the papers, and my eyes shot up to him.

"You knew Mattheo Riddle was alive?" he asked, narrowing his eyes in anger. "Belle, you knew?!"

"I only found out three weeks ago, Harry! I swear! I couldn't tell anyone. Not even Pansy! Draco would've killed me-"

"Malfoy knew?" he scoffed. "Belle, you know he's dangerous. And with these dark mark upbringings... That could've been Mattheo!"

"He's not his father," I defended. "You know Mattheo-"

"He's a Slytherin, Belle. Through and through."

I scoffed, and what he said hit him. I stood up, shaking my head. "I'm a Slytherin, Potter. You never change."

I grabbed my bag and rushed out of his office, ignoring him as he called for me.


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