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𝙱𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚎 𝙻𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎

Mattheo had given me strict rules. Only leave the room with him. Don't wonder the place. Don't enter the big doors at the end of the room. Don't leave the house. Don't fight him. Don't try to run away.

Yet, he vanished after breakfast, sent me to my room like a teenage child, and never returned.

"Miss Lestrange?"

My entire body jumped to a sit, my eyes darting at the door. I haven't heard a female's voice in days. I was starting to think that even the maids were males in this place.

"Please unlock your door."

I rushed off of the bed, and to the door, where I turned the key to unlock it, before pulling it open.

My eyes met these of a blonde girl, my exact same height. Her green eyes looked at me with worry. She wore a sundress, like I used to wear in the past.

"My name is Abbigail. Mister Riddle asked me to stay by your side until he returns from a work trip. He'll be a couple of days."

Her voice was soft and sweet.

"He told me not to leave with anybody," I told her, and she nodded.

"I'm aware that he did; but as I'm sure you're aware, he is not here. You don't need to leave your room, your food will-"

"No," I interrupted. "I- It's okay. I believe you."

I'd rather have him punish me if what Abbigail told me was a lie and I trusted her, than be locked up in this room. It was dark, and only the bathroom had a window.

She nodded. "You can call me Abby if you'd prefer that."

I smiled softly. "I'm Belle. Please don't call me Lestrange."

She smiled, nodding.


Abbigail wasn't as shy as I judged her out to be. She had a loud laugh, and she was quite opinionated. I liked it about her.

She didn't leave my side. She sat with me while I changed, and walked beside me to the dining room, and back. The only privacy I really had was being in the bathroom. Mattheo must have had her do all this as a safety precaution. I didn't mind that she was following orders. Heck, he'd have her sit in the shower with me if that meant it'd drive me crazy; but I wasn't going to go crazy.  I could stay calm, even though a girl was following my every move - without a choice of course.

"Don't you have anything else?" she asked, pointing down at my night dress.

To think of it, Mattheo had me wear this for over a week now. He hadn't even cared about clothes at all. Bastard.

I looked at her, shrugging. "This is all I have..."

Abbigail then smiled softly. "I have an idea, and it's crazy."

Narrowing my eyes, I wasn't sure what crazy ideas a girl like this could come up with, so I was skeptical.

"I lend you one of my dresses for the day, and we go shopping in town for more."

Leave the house? I'd love to see where he stole me to, but Mattheo said strictly not to leave the house.

So if course I said: "Yes, that sounds great!"


At first I was worried that one of the guards would stop us, but then suddenly, Abbigail has us in a fancy car, and a guard was driving it. Or a driver with a muggle gun.

"Where are we?" I asked in confusion as I looked out of the car window.

The house was fucking massive and completely isolated. Like the Manor was. There were fields of open grass, before we reached a town, one I barely recognized. Actually, I didn't recognized it at all. Were we still in London? Or the UK for that matter?"

"Close," she simply answered, a smile on her lips.

It was clear to her what I meant, and I knew she couldn't answer truthfully.

"He's going to kill me," I mumbled, looking out of the window again.

Abbigail shook her head. "I doubt, Belle. He wouldn't have kept you so long if he would."

I glanced at her. She knew him quite well. My eyes wondered to her arm, and I couldn't help but look for some sort of dark mark, but I found nothing but a bare arm.

"We don't have dark marks."

My eyes shot up to look at hers, but she was still looking out of the window.

"I didn't-"

"He marks us on our backs," she said, looking at me again. "I haven't gotten my mark yet. I still got a couple of months to go."

I frowned. Abbigail didn't even look older than me. Maybe even younger by a couple of years - but she worked for Mattheo with a full heart. She seemed excited for rhat mark for some reason.

"Why do you work for him?" I asked, and she seemed to be hit by surprise.

"For Mister Riddle?"

"Mattheo, yes. Why?"

She shrugged lightly. "I've always seen him as a superior. He's got great ideas and I am intrigued by the way he manages to scare crowds by only standing in a corner. Mister Riddle got me fresh, and I don't think I'll ever follow anyone else."

She rucked her short blonde hair behind her ear while looking out the windshield, and my eyes caught a glance of a scar under her ear. It looked familiar, almost as if...

"Moarer," I whispered, and her eyes shot back to me.

I squinted my eyes, and suddenly I saw the forth year Slytherin who would sit in a corner and cry because she missed her parents who were killed by Mattheo's dad. My heart dropped.

"Abbigail Moarer. You were at Hogwarts. Your hair was always long and a dark blonde. That's why I didn't recognize you. What are you- Why are you following Mattheo?" I asked.

She smiled softly. "I've always looked up to you guys. He recruited a few of us fresh out of Hogwarts. He had us a place we belonged."

She was probably right. Slytherins had it tough after Hogwarts, and always would. I'd stay with Mattheo if he had me then.

I smiled and nodded lightly. I wouldn't compliment on that. It was her choice. Most of their choices.

But why recruit kids? What for?

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The Lestrange behind it all {M.R.}Where stories live. Discover now