chaos chat

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Naomi added to wenclair gc  Emma,Jenna,Joy,Precy,Georgie,Johnna, Oliver,Hunter

Naomi: hello everyone 😁

Emma: hello Naomi new gc for wenclair I see

Naomi: yes and I hope we still ship it until season 2 comes out!

Enma: and you decided to name it Wenclair gc

Joy:because we all ship wenclair even Hunter fr

Hunter: I do anyways we still going to that location what Tim said spoiler alert!

Jenna: I just woke up from. The notification from you guys!

Noami: sorry to wake you up Jenna

Jenna: nah I need to wake up because we still going to that location I have to pick up Emma Precy and Georgie are with me now

Goergie: I just prank Precy

Jenna: omg what did you do! Your so dead right now Georgie

Georgie: it's worth it

Precy: your dead Farmer!!

Joy: oh shit hahah!

Emma: so what time are you getting me Jen?

Jenna: about a min Percy is chasing Goergie around the room

Emma: damn

Johnna: guys I'm already here with Oliver where are you

Jenna: we will be there in an hour I'm getting Emma because those idiot are just you know what nvm

Johnna: what did they do this time

Emma: Georgie prank precy!

Oliver: dang man

Emma: oh Jenna just knock on my door sya guys there

After there done

Wenclair gc

Emma: I'm so tired

Naomi: same but it was fun

Johnna: yeah same

Joy: guys come to the house I made dinner

Naomi: I'll be there i have to get Johnna first

Emma: @jenna

Jenna: yes Em

Emma: can we go please

Jenna: sure let me get my bag and I will see you in your room

Emma: kk

Naomi: what the fuck?!

Emma: what happen

Joy: bruhh nah precy did that

Jenna: what happen this time

Naomi: Precy and Geogie stoled a cart again

Emma: wtf is wrong with them this happen twice now

Jenna: I'm out I'm going to get a drink with Joy now

Emma: get me a drink Jen

Jenna: the usual?!

Emma: yes

Naomi: bruhh is wenclair getting Canon now?

Johnna: there kinda sus

Hunter: I agree

Emma: what do you guys mean by sus?

Jenna: me and Emma are best friends

Emma: she's just looking out for me okay

Naomi: yeah right

Oliver: if they got together they will be so cute together

Hunter: fr

Joy: agree

Johnna: yup ship jemma

Precy: jemma

Joy: jemma

Hunter: ship jemma

Georgie: ship jemma guys

Jenna: ship wenclair not us


Naomi: changing the gc name to jemma

Naomi change the name to jemma gc

Emma: I feel Embarrassed

Jenna: ......

Random chats wednesday cast version(because why not?)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن