kissing in the film.

329 5 3

Everyone was now working on the first episode of the series.

The director ask if Jenna and Emma can kiss in the scene and Emma was blushing Jenna is just smirking at her.

Jemma gc

Hunter: damn girl

Georgie: I can't believe they did it it was unfair that Ajax and Enid broke up but I ship jemma!

Joy: I saw them making out after that scene

Naomi: it looks like a heat makeout session?

Johnna: I saw them in the dressing room   taking there clothes off

Percy: you walk in on them?

Johnna: it was an accident

Jenna: you walk in on us while we where getting to it

Emma: I can't believe one of my friends walk in this is so embarrassing

Naomi: dang girl your really wanna have sex in the dressing room but that didn't happen.

Emma: stfu naomi

Naomi: dang girl I'm just saying jeez

Geogie: could you guys like makeout in your own house not in public

Hunter: he's right guys

Johnna: I'm bleaching my eyes now

Naomi: Johnna don't I won't see your pretty eyes anymore wait I'll be there

Jenna: now who's talking

Naomi: shut up Jenna we been together like 2years now

Emma: wait 2 years how did I not notice this?

Joy: it's pretty obvious they always disappear on us every few mins

Geogie: and come back sweating it's like we didn't notice them they made out

Johnna: I apologize Naomi won't resist my beautiful face

Naomi: true and for jemma there still beginners

Emma: what do you mean beginners?

Naomi: I mean look at yourselfs you guys are still square 1 that's making out me and johnna already experienced alot then you guys

Jenna: like sex?

Naomi: yeah but more then sex

Emma: I don't like this idea where this going I'm scared

Jenna: it's fine Em now tell me Naomi

Naomi:let's meet up and I'll tell you my advice

Joy: she's not good telling advice to people

Percy: yeah she dose one time I ask her if it's okay to buy McDonald's in walmart and she told me yeah and they have a secret Manu if they have burger beez nut

Joy: Percy are you stupid omg first of all Walmart are you serious they don't have McDonald's there and when Naomi told you it's burger deep nutz not beez nut

Naomi: I can't stop laughing he fell for it haha but I'm serious about this  I was just doing a revenge on Percy for eating the last food in the table.

Johnna: I can witness that happen

Emma: dang well I'm off shopping with johnna  and Joy for awhile

Jenna: after go home straight or do you want me to pick you up?

Emma: pick me up I'll text you when I need to

Jenna: okay

Naomi: okay that's so sweet of you Jenna  like a charm prince who is saving her princess

Jenna: shut up Naomi

Geogie: me and Percy are going  to the arcade wanna come?

Naomi: sure I'm down

Jenna: same

Sorry for not updating been busy with HSR its a good game!

Random chats wednesday cast version(because why not?)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن