cant sleep?

586 13 7

Jemma gc!

Naomi: guys I'm bored lets go to the arcade

Joy: Naomi it's 3am in the morning wtf is wrong with you how are you still awake in this hour?

Naomi: because Johnna is out to get snacks for us and we wanna watch a movie?

Joy: you guys are sus are you sure your not dating?!?!

Naomi: no where good friends why don't you ask jemma?

Joy: and why would I ask them

Naomi: because Jenna is Emma roommate and  jenna can't take precy and Goergie chaotic things they do and maybe there making out or something hehe

Jenna: first no where not making out and second Emma is a sleep next to me because we where watching a scream and she can't sleep in her own bed

Naomi: you guys where watching scream wait isn't you in that movie too

Jenna: yeah I have fun doing that movie and also I miss mikey

Johnna: Mikey Madison!!

Jenna: yeah she's older then me shes 24

Naomi: your turning 21 right on September 27th

Emma: just woke up and went to the kitchen I'm older then Jenna

Jenna: you know where both born on 2002 right

Emma: I know that but still I'm older

Jenna: your sleeping in your own bed to night and I don't care your getting nightmare

Emma: Jen please

Jenna: no Enid

Emma: Wednesday!

Naomi: great just great guys where not in set right now

Joy: go back to sleep it's 4am God help me

Emma: please I'll do anything Jenna let me sleep with you

Jenna: I'm sleeping in the couch tonight

Emma: TnT

Johnna:damn you guys agrue like an old married couple

Jenna: no where not and let me sleep Emma

Emma: ....

Joy: she's going to cry

Jenna: fine but if I hear a snore from you I'm going back here in the couch

Emma: yay and fine by me hehe

Joy: finally I get to sleep

Naomi: good night guys

Emma: night

Johnna: night

Jenna: night

But they didn't know Jenna and Emma where cuddling in the bed sus haha lmao anyways byee

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