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Jemma gc

Georgie: guys Jenna bought a friend and she looks hot

Hunter: who?

Percy: she's looks cute

Joy: what us Jenna doing in your apartment?

Georgie: oh we ask her if she wanna hangout then told us if she could bring her Frined over.

Joy: damn what's her name?

Georgie: I think it was Mikey... Mikey Madison

Johnna: I already met her she's a sweetheart

Naomi: send a photo I wanna see what she looks like and why didn't you tell me  you already met her

Johnna: because me and Jenna went somewhere and bump into her so yeah she introduced me to her

Naomi: lucky

Johnna: sent a photo

Johnn:this is her with Jenna

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Johnn:this is her with Jenna

Percy: she's so cute I wanna ask her out

Naomi: no I wanna ask her out

Jenna: hey guys what's up

Percy: oh nothing

Jenna: is that me and Mikey

Johnna: yeah they are just curious what she looks like and I think Percy wanna ask her out

Jenna: dude she's 24 and your like 21

Percy: 3 years apart I still wanna ask her

Naomi: Jenna let me meet her I wanna be friends with her and Maybe ask her out?

Jenna: wait I thought you and johnna are dating?



Joy: bitches it's obvious you guys always hangout and do stuff together and onto start me I walk in you guys kiss and act it was nothing?!?!

Jenna: lmao

Naomi: is it that obvious

Jenna: yes it is

Johnna: well we can't hide it anymore

Naomi: I agree

Emma: what happen here and who is that with Jenna in the photo?

Jenna: oh that's mikey my co-star from scream 5

Emma: who now

Hunter: someone is jealous

Jenna: she's my girlfriend?

Percy: what

Naomi: huh

Johnna: since when did you guys dating

Hunter: oh

Emma: What?

Jenna: guys chill I was kidding she's my friend we we cast scream 5

Joy: she's Ghostface who is going to kill Tara/ protect her from her half sister Sam carpenter that's all and scream 6 is out Jenna you are so good in there

Jenna: thank you Joy and also she was going to be my love interest and Tamber  would happen but it didn't so the director made her to be my best friend instead and beside she's with me and ordering us some drinks

Naomi: where are you I wanna hang

Johnna: same

Jenna: sure where at Starbucks with Georgie and Oliver Percy was gone and went somewhere because someone called him

Naomi: oh yay where on our way

Jenna: Emma wanna met Mikey?

Emma: nah I'm going somewhere with hunter

Jenna: oh okay have fun!

Johnna: girl is jealous

Naomi: I agree

Hunter: for a remainder Me and Emma have an interwive in paris and our flight is in 2days so we are going to get stuff

Jenan: oh okay then

Johnna: girl is not jealous anymore

Georgie: I was with them too but I went home afterwords

Joy: yeah I saw the interview.


Hunter: why do I feel eyes staring at me

Jenna: Hunter look left

Hunter: oh shi-

Emma: where are you right now

Hunter: I'm standing next to Starbucks and Jenna is looking at me wait that's Mikey next to you right let me say hi before me and Emma will see each other

Emma: I'm coming there give me a few min

After few min past

Hunter: Mikey is a sweet girl Jenna thanks for letting met her

Jenna: no problem she just needs to go back because she's a bit busy

Naomi: yeah she's a sweetheart

Johnna: she even hug me

Oliver: what a sweetheart

Georgie: yup

Emma: I'm here we need to go Hunter

Hunter: got it bye guys

Jenna: you just missed Mikey Em?

Emma: oh yeah I was late sorry maybe next time me and Hunter are running late

Georgie: Jenna I know that looks of yours

Jenna: what look

Naomi: your jealous and you made Emma jealous for hanging out with Mikey

Jenna: no maybe idk

Random chats wednesday cast version(because why not?)Where stories live. Discover now