An unwelcome visitor

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After the surprisingly lovely day at the carnival with Sonia Y/N had a small change of heart just a small change. After getting to know the hedgehog and finding out she wasn't as bad as Eggman says she is Y/N didn't want to fight her to you her. Instead the fights he had after that were for fun he enjoyed the thrill of fighting Sonia and seeing just how far he can push her limits. she's a nuisance to Eggman but to Y/N she's one hell of a rival Y/N also visited Cream and her mother from time to time and Y/N swore he saw Vanilla blush at him several times........nah she couldn't see Y/N like THAT could she?

Sonia and her friends thought about Y/N the same way unlike his father Y/N was a more honourable person he would wait for the innocent people to leave the area before fighting and if he saw his girlfriends getting injured he would stop the fight and retreat to attend to their wounds he even cared for scratch and grounder not losing his temper with them for every clumsy mistake they make.

Speaking of the two badniks they had gotten interested in Y/N's recent work. He had locked himself in the lab and had not come out all day. Y/N was researching the one chaos emerald he had and began to conduct tests to find a way to use the Emerald's power as his own. Sonia and her friends could use the power of the emeralds so Y/N knew with enough time and patience he would crack the secret of the mystical gems. He had already made good progress Y/N was in the lab with the green emerald floating above his hand Y/N could feel its power slowly coursing through him Y/N was close just a little more work and his greatest project will be a success.

Y/N: Fascinating this gem interests me to no end. How did these emerald obtain their magical powers in the first place? How long have they been on earth for? What type of raw power could the master emerald possess? I have so many questions that I believe in due time will be answered.

Y/N thoughts were interrupted when he heard the hushed voices of scratch and grounded behind the door.

Grounder: Do you hear what he's doing in there?

Scratch: Keep it down before Y/N hears us!

Grounder: I am being quiet!

Scratch: No your not you bucket of bolts!

Y/N: (sigh) These two I swear.

Y/N pressed a button on his wrist and the door opened up and the two fell to the floor.

Grounder: Woaaaah!

Scratch: Ahhhhhh oohhhhh.

Y/N turned around and faced the two looking very agitated.

Y/N: SnoPINGAS usual I see.

Scratch: Us snooping? no not at all!

Grounder: Yeah me neither we were just checking on you to see if you're okay!

Y/N: Of course you were you were defiantly not spying on me and my secret project.

Scratch: Yes exactly we didn't want anything to-

Y/N: I was being sarcastic.

Grounder: Oh.

Scratch: Oh.

Y/N: No matter my work is almost complete just a little longer and I will have learnt everything I need about the chaos emerald then after that I can fight Sonia once again but this time I will have a few tricks up my sleeve.

Scratch: Ohhh tricks I didn't know you were a magician boss!

Grounder: What can you do? Juggling? mind reading?!

Y/N: Oh for the love of all that is holy it's a figure of speech you two I'm not a bloody magician.

Scratch: Awwww.

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