Dark Y/N unleashed

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Black doom stares at dark Y/N he felt the energy and aura surrounding him he was pleased by what he saw the alien soldiers surrounding Y/N backed off feeling uneasy and afraid of Y/N's new switch in personality. Cream sage and vanilla stared through the cage and looked at the enraged boy worried for Y/N.

Cream: P....Papa?

Black doom: Ah so you've bought out your terrifying dark power.....excellent. I look forward to seeing what your capable of boy.

Dark Y/N: Hehehehehe don't get too excited Black doom because once I'm done slaughtering these pathetic welps your next and I'll make sure I'll tear you apart nice and slow!

Black doom: Such rage I will make good use of it.

The aliens back off allowing two heavily armoured commanders to approach Y/N.

Black doom: These two commander are some of my army's most elite and powerful. Let us see what you can do against them in that form.

The two commanders charge towards Y/N with thier blades lunging towards him.


Dark Y/N: So these are the best of the best huh?

Y/N dissapers with supersonic speed and within moments without any remorse cuts down the first elite commander before quickly dashing through the smoke towards the second comannder swiftly finishing him off with a barrage of punches and a blow to the head covering the area in dust. The grunts scream in fear as they saw thier superiors killed off with such ease and grew even more afraid once they saw Y/N's through the dust.

 The grunts scream in fear as they saw thier superiors killed off with such ease and grew even more afraid once they saw Y/N's through the dust

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Dark Y/N: If that's true then you've let me down Black doom! I thought your race were made of sterner stuff!

The grunts began to back away feeling fear for the first time in thier life as Y/N approached black doom with killing intent.

Black doom: I'm impressed that you could deal with my elites with such ease but I am not satisfied.....show me more.

Black doom teleports away and down below to another platform.

Dark Y/N: Where do you think your going Black doom!? I ain't done with you come back here!

The grunts ran away but Y/N fired a chaos spear hitting them head on and disintegrating them and jumped down the waterfall and chased after Black doom leaving vanilla cream and sage who were still trapped in the cage.

Vanilla: Y/N......what's happened to you?

Y/N landed on the floor and looked around him and saw a small army of brutes grunts and commanders who had surrounded him armed to the teeth.

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