One bad egg

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Inside of tail's workshop Y/N was hard at work finishing up on his latest creation he had been inside the workshop for hours on end the pile of empty coffee cups were scattered across the floor. He had spent so long working on this project only stopping to eat or tend to cream or sage but apart from that Y/N continued to do his work. Tails walked up to Y/N who was putting the finishing touches on his project upon closer look tails realised that Y/N had created a weapon it seemed highly advanced and from what rouge told her Y/N had her fetch a high energy crystal for this weapon so to say that tails was fascinated by this weapon is an understatement.

Tails: Hey Y/N.

Y/N: Oh sup tails give me a minute will you? I'm just about finished with my work I gotta admit this might be the most advanced thing I've worked on. It took so long to perfect and I had many failures but after so much hard work I've finnaly nailed it.

Tails: What even is that thing anyway?

Y/N grinned and picked up his new weapon and flicked the switch and to the foxes amazement a golden blade ignited from the weapon and the two pieces on the sabers side flicked down creating a crossguard. Tail's eyes shined she was mesmerised by the blade its golden chrome plating shined in the daylight.

 Tail's eyes shined she was mesmerised by the blade its golden chrome plating shined in the daylight

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Tails: Woah that weapon..........its amazing.

Y/N: Tails my dear freind behold........the lightsaber. Powered by the kyber crystal a rare gemstone that can only be found in the deepest caves on earth. This blade can cut through the toughest of metal like a molten knife through butter It can also deflect gun and blasterfire. This is the first working model I hope to make more in the near future of course I would need more of those kyber crystal but considering our current situation that will have to wait.

Tails: I've never seen a weapon quite like this not even I could make something as high tech as this........your amazing.

Y/N: Awwww come on it's nothing tails but I couldn't have made this without your help. Ever since we started to work together we've managed to create so many advanced weapons droids and vehicles. You've got an amazing mind there's no doubts about that all this was possible because of your help.

Tails: (blush) T-thank you Y/N. (My hearts racing again evreytime I look at Y/N my heart just skips a beat calm down tails calm down!)

With his work done Y/N met with the others to relax for the rest of the day but fate had other plans. As Y/N sat on the sofa with sonia and the gang a battle droid barged through the door and stood infront of his creator.

Battle droid: Sir!?

Y/N: What is it trooper? What's got you in such a rush?

Battle droid: Our scouts have just reported that your father is heading towards us and he's got a small army with him.

This sudden news alarmed evreyone even after what Y/N had told him about the black arms he still blindly chases his dreams of an empire that damn fool.

Y/N: Gather the troops and get ready for a counterattack evreyone else get ready for a fight I'm going to fetch something that I stored nearby for an occasion like this.

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