Curvy Goddess

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“Then what the hell is wrong with me? I thought you just told me I was perfect.”

“You are perfect,” Blake said. “You’re also Marcos’s sister.”

She shrugged. “So?”

This whole thing of her being Marcos’s little sister annoyed the shit out of her. Weren’t these grown men?

“Your brother once told us that we needed to keep our hands off you,” Kane said. “We’ve been careful to not damage our friendship with him.”

That rat bastard! “You mean to tell me that you two could want me but will not touch me because of Marcos?”

She clenched her jaw so hard she swore her teeth would break at any moment.

Kane and Blake glanced back and forth at each other before both frowning at her and answering at the same time, “Yes.”

She was tired of fighting to make them open up their feelings for her .With measured steps, she marched to the door .

“Wait Dani, Where are you going?” Blake asked, his voice filled with concern.

She stopped, turned and cleared her throat. “I’m getting out of here. It’s obvious that you both don’t love me back.” She felt devastated. If she stayed a minute longer close to them she would burst out in tears.

“Don’t go!” Kane ran a hand through his short cropped hair. He appeared torn and she couldn’t understand it. It shouldn’t be this hard to make a decision about wanting her. They either did or didn’t.

“What exactly do you want?” she asked.

Blake pinned her with his slowly dimming golden gaze. “When it comes to you it’s not about what we want. It’s about what we promised. And we promised Marcos that we would stay away from you.”

Fucking hell! “This is starting to sound like a broken record covered in total bullshit to be honest,” she said, her hand hovering over the knob.

Swallowing back the hurt, she unlocked the door, turned the knob and walked out of the room, ignoring both men calling out to her.

Bypassing one of the hallways she’d been escorted through, she opened up a set of French doors and rushed out into the night.

Bright moonlight lit her path as she tried not to fall in her heels on her way to the front of the house.

A pair of strong hands grabbed her by her sides, jerking her to a stop as she rounded the corner of the house to turn for the driveway. Her heels sank in the grass, making it almost impossible to stand upright.

“Dani,” Blake said, turning her to face him. “You can’t go. You don’t understand what’s going on.”

“Please, Blake. I don’t need explanations. This is the second time you’ve both made it clear that there is no chance for me with you. There won’t be a third time.”

“No matter how much we don’t want to want you...we still do.”

She gave a dry laugh and shook her head.

She jerked away from his hold and moved toward the front of the house. It wasn’t going to be easy but she’d get past this.

* * *
When she got to her house, she threw the purse on a sofa and rushed to her bedroom to remove the annoying costume.

She took off the skirt and kicked the heels to the side. They hit her dresser and bounced on the carpet. Her hands hovered over the garter and thigh highs, ready to remove them when her doorbell rang.

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