Chapter 56- Much Needed Distraction

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As we return to the real world, I can feel the tears streaming down my face. Seeing my parent's complicated history took a toll on me, and I felt more confused than ever.

    "Are you going to be okay?" Mother asks as she reaches out, pulling me in for a warm hug.

    "I think so, that was just a lot to take in." I sigh.

    "I understand better than anyone. But now that you know about the past, it's time for us to figure out the future," she states, letting go and heading for the door. "We should head back downstairs and figure out what everyone decided on," she explains. As we walk out of the room, I see my father sitting on the floor, waiting by the door. I freeze upon seeing him, unsure of what to say.

    "Breeze," he begins as he stands up, seeming just as at a loss for words. I look down at the floor for a moment as the tears fill my eyes, and I surprise him as I quickly run into his arms.

    "I'm so sorry for what he made you do." I cry into his shoulder. After the initial shock dies down, he holds me, grasping the back of my head as I weep. "I know that wasn't you."

    "I love you so much, baby girl." he cries as he looks into my eyes "I promise you will never have to see that side of me."

    "I believe you." I give the slightest smile as I back up.

    "Come on," Mother says as she gently places her hand on my shoulder "Let's go see what we missed."

Everyone is finishing up by the time we make it back, and I can tell that formatting a plan hasn't been an easy discussion. Roxie seems exhausted as they all sit around the table, and some of the others have their heads down.

"What did we miss?" Father asks as we come in and join the table.

"Before we talk about that," Nixi begins "You three look like hell."

"That's an accurate summation, yes." Mother sighs as she sits down "We're fine, that was just rough to go over." she explains.

"Tessa?" Magnus asks nervously "Are you okay?"

"Not really," I sigh "But I will be."

"Okay, look," Desire begins "It's been a long day. I think we need to take a night to think this all over, and in the morning see if anyone has any fresh ideas."

"I agree, I'm exhausted." Phoenix sighs.

"Alright, everyone, head out for the night." Nixi states "Nanea, Brendan, be careful getting home and make sure the kids are okay. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

"We will," Nanea says as she nudges Brendan, who at this point had been practically asleep in his chair.

"Artemis, get some rest. You need it." Roxie suggests as she nods to the door. My mother and father hold hands as they begin to make their way out, waving goodbye as they go.

"I'm heading to bed too," Nadia states as she begins to leave "I suggest the rest of you do the same." As she goes, Roxie peers out and seems to be making sure that they're gone, suddenly turning back to look at the rest of us.

"Alright, Eli, do me a favor," she asks bluntly, and Eli seems to blink rapidly as he comes back to attention.

"Roxie?" he asks, confused.

"Take the kids back to your place and get them drunk. It's been too long of a day and they deserve a break," she explains, and we all stare at her in disbelief.

"Are you joking?" I ask, confused.

"She never jokes about liquor," Jasper states.

"Well, in that case, I suppose we should get going." Eli says as he stands up, stretching his arms above his head "It's only sunset, so there's still plenty of time."

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