Chapter 61- Blood in the Wine

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 As Roxie, Aurora, and Desire circle around me, I can't help but see the pale looks on Magnus and Phoenix's faces. They were against this idea, there's no doubt about that. As much as I understand their objections, I can't go on without letting someone else in to see things through my eyes. I don't want to keep this place to myself anymore. This isn't my place. That dungeon in the mountains has been home to nothing but pain and suffering for centuries, and after the Sacrificial Fire back in the 1600s, it should have remained what it had become; a tomb of the damned.

"Tessa, can I say anything to talk you out of this?" Magnus asks desperately.

"Ditto." Phoenix sighs, trying to fake a smile as he steps over and takes my hand "Honey, I just don't want this to backfire. If it does, we're all gonna need another night like last night."

"Don't remind me," Desire states, squeezing between her eyes "Still a little hungover if you didn't notice."

"Let's get this over with so we can all relax." I sigh as I lie back, but I have a feeling this could open more cans of worms if they notice anything that I didn't when we go in.

"Whenever you're ready," Aurora says, motioning for Desire and Roxie to reach for her. As they all connect, Aurora gently places her hands on my head and begins to hum "Let's do this."

I wake up in a bed of flowers, just like always, but the sky is clouded. The wind is still, almost like the calm you feel before a storm. It's an eerie sight, and I have never experienced anything like this before. Normally everything here is so much cheerier.

"It's worse than I thought." Mahina sighs "Distress does things like this to us."

"Can you fix it?" Scarlett asks as she stands up, brushing off her skirt as she stands up.

"This is nowhere near being beyond repair," Scara smiles hopefully as she squeezes my shoulder, "try not to worry. This is why we're here," she explains. I try to stay positive, but seeing my innermost soul in this state is worrisome. I look up at the sky and close my eyes, desperate to feel the warmth of the sun, but it never comes.

"Where do you want to start?" I ask nervously. Mahina seems to ponder for a moment, looking to Scara for her opinion first.

"I think you should trust your instincts." Scara states honestly "Whatever feelings are ailing you may manifest a memory in itself. You don't need to necessarily choose one. Just take a deep breath and focus on feelings, not thoughts." she explains calmly. I look around and Scarlett nods, seemingly agreeing with her mother's suggestion. Nervously, I brush my short hair back out of my face and breathe deeply, holding it in my chest for a moment before letting go. As I repeat the process, I remember what bothered me the most; being used by that man. Suddenly, a portal begins to open before us, and through it, I can see the room where I had been held. Seeing it sends a chill down my spine, and my heart begins beating harder, but I do my best to fight it.

"This is it," I state confidently as I lead us forward. As we file in, we see me curled up sleeping on the floor by the wall. As I try to think back, I realize exactly when this was.

"This room gives me the chills," Scarlett says, looking at Lucius' things meticulously placed around the room.

"Tell me about it," I sigh "This was not long after I was brought here. Lucius left me alone to process what they did to Artemis, Kai came in to talk, and after all that, I could barely stay awake. The last thing I wanted to do was lay on his bed though, the idea of that felt... I don't even know how to describe it."

"No, I know what you mean." Scara sighs sympathetically "I would have done the same thing." Suddenly, the door opens and he comes in, glancing around until he sees me lying there.

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