Chapter 65- Hiding in Plain Sight

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Part 3

The Sin of Immortality

"As we're nearing the end of the year, everyone will need to form a group of three for a special project." Miss Ashley explains "Each group will cover a specific era of rule in depth, along with the developments made during it. Go ahead and pick your partners."

As I watch from outside the windows, I see that Aria barely pays attention as Magnus and Alex approach her. Over the past five weeks or so, she's receded into herself, not seeming to care about anything anymore. Losing Pearl has taken its toll, and I know that my moving out hasn't helped. It seems like they're forming a group for the project, and I can't help but wonder which era of my relatives they're going to cover. Right now, with everything going on, I would give anything to be back there with them. I miss how simple life used to be, I miss going to school and spending time with my friends like a normal teenager.

"It's hard not to envy them, isn't it?" I'm suddenly startled by Kai.

"Geeze, are you trying to give me a heart attack?" I say as I back away from the window, glancing in one last time. "But, yea, you're right." I sigh. Kai seems to have the same reaction as me as he gazes inside. Then, something dawns on me.

"You... never got to do this," I say empathetically.

"Nope." he states "They all seem irritated to have work to do, but they don't realize that it's so much easier than where we're standing."

"In the middle of a silent rebellion?" I chuckle sarcastically.

"No, actually," he sighs "Being adults in teenaged bodies." With everything else going on, that simple part of it was the last thing on my mind.

"I suppose you're right." I say as I glance at the headband covering his mark "How has it felt being able to walk around town at least?" I ask curiously.

"Not exactly freeing," he sighs, glancing back at his guards and mine talking. In light of the current circumstances, we haven't been allowed to leave the temple without an escort.

"It's better than nothing." I try to force a smile.

"I guess," he smiles "It's nice that no one knows who I am."

"Ha," I start to laugh "Now that I miss. The anonymity. I can't go two blocks across town without being stopped."

"Must be rough being royalty." he scoffs sarcastically.

"It has its ups and its downs," I laugh "Come on, we should get going before class lets out. I don't want them to know I was here."

As evening slowly sets in, we make our way back home. The shopping district is slowly packing in for the night, and everyone seems tired from a long day's work. Kai and I continued talking for a while until I suddenly realized he had stopped behind me and seemed focused on something.

"What?" I ask, suddenly seeing that his face has gone pale. As I glance at what he's looking at, I see it; a banner with Gael's hex woven into the fabric. "What the fuck..." I mutter under my breath.

"Excuse me, sir?" Kai gets their attention, and I duck behind him to try not to draw attention to myself. The old man running the shop stops boxing up his fabric and turns to look at us.

"How can I help you, young man?" he asks, his voice sounding frail.

"Did you make this?" Kai asks calmly, trying not to sound confrontational. The old man steps forward and looks closely at the pattern, running his fingers over it.

"My dear boy, I've made everything in this here shop. Just yesterday I finished this one." he states "Why do you ask?"

"Where did you find this pattern?" Kai asks curiously.

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