Chapter 98- Red Sky in Mourning

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 Jasper and my mother help me stand as we make our way back to the structure, carefully climbing over the scattered brick as we go inside. Eli, Roxie, and my father are already hard at work trying to clear the pile, and Aurora is helping treat the soldier they had managed to rescue. His arm seems mangled in an unnatural position, and she's doing what she can to create a sling with what she has available.

"Are you sure you can do this?" my mother asks as she helps me sit down on a pile of bricks.

"What choice do we have?" I sigh, looking at the others "She doesn't deserve this." I explain, suddenly looking up at the opening to the second floor "Wait, where has Calista been this whole time?" I ask, confused by her absence.

"She went to look for Gaia," Roxie yells over as she tosses a brick aside "Might as well try to stop this at the source," she explains.

"Gotcha," I say as I roll my shoulders, taking a deep breath as I prepare. Suddenly, Roxie takes notice and seems concerned.

"What are you doing?" she asks, jumping down.

"Aurora can't get to her, and we don't know how long we have," my mom explains sympathetically "Someone should try to talk to her." she sighs.

"It's a nice sentiment, but you're in no condition right now." Roxie explains, glancing at my forehead "We don't know what could happen if you push yourself too hard."

"I honestly don't care," I sigh as I look down at the crusted blood on my hands "It's Eliana," I explain, determined to do what I think is right.

"Don't try to talk her out of this, she's got my stubborn attitude." my mom states as she leans over to kiss me on the forehead "Tell her we love her, okay?" she asks, tears starting to pool in her eyes.

"I will," I smile, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. The room is full of people, souls full of unique energy; fire, aura, determination, passion, everything is distracting as I try to focus. But then, I feel it; the faint sense of static in the distance, almost like a cry in the dark waiting to be answered. I go toward it and feel it build, making my body reverberate, shooting signals up my spine until I feel them reach my head, and just as my nerves are on edge, it all comes to a stop at once.

As I open my eyes, I hear the sound of crashing waves, and I feel splintering wood beneath my back. When I sit up, I find myself on the deck of the S.S. Lobellia, the ship that has long been wrecked in Lolani's cove. But now, it's intact, sailing across an endless ocean. The sky appears a pinkish shade of red, and there are dark clouds in the distance. Despite this, the sea feels relatively calm as I stand up, making my way down the stairs from the upper deck toward the bow of the ship. Then I see her; Eliana, wearing a leather captain's coat, sitting on the ship's peak looking out in the distance as the mist blows over us. Cautiously, I start to approach her, but it seems that she already knows that I'm here.

"It's coming, isn't it?" she sighs, looking up at the sky "I can feel it."

"I'm sorry," I sigh, leaning forward on the railing "I wish it wasn't true."

"Don't apologize, it's not like you crushed my lungs." she chuckles, turning to look at the clouds in the distance "Did I ever teach you any of the old sailors myths?" she asks curiously.

"Like what?" I ask, confused.

"A common one my father, Captain Rivera, used to say, was 'red sky in morning, sailors take warning.'" she explains, starting to laugh "I honestly don't know where he got it from, but it was only right maybe half of the time. But now," she sighs as she watches the red sunrise "It seems to be true."

"I suppose it is," I say as I sit down beside her.

"You know, I never feared death. But, conversely, I fear the thought of dying." she begins, hunching over as she tucks her knees into her chest "My own life is just a repeating process in the grand scheme of things, and having a temporary stay honestly brings a greater meaning to things. But now, it's not just about me anymore." she explains solemnly.

"You're daughter..." I sigh, thinking about Rynn.

"She's thirteen, and she's definitely not helpless. But she doesn't deserve to grow up without her mother." Eliana explains, resting her head on her knees "Nanea and Brendan have been taking care of her, but after the dust settles here, I have no idea what her future is going to be like."

"The only thing that's certain in life is uncertainty," I explain hopefully "But you know how much she'll be loved, and as for our home, well... we rebuilt it by hand over one hundred years ago, we can do it again." I smile, and she seems to find a glint of happiness.

"Thank you, Breeze." she starts to smile, looking back out at the sea "I'm not worried that you'll all do your best, you've proven it more times than I can count. And you," she pauses as she looks into my eyes "You've grown so much as a person in such a short time. I'm sorry you've had to go through the horrors we've fought so hard to keep in the past, but I can't even express how proud I am of you for stepping up as much as you have." she explains warmly, and I feel myself starting to tear up again.

"Thank you for being such a good teacher," I state, leaning on her shoulder.

"Wisdom comes from experience, and I have to say, this ship was probably the best teacher I ever had." she explains thoughtfully "The ocean can be cruel, but you have to work with it, not against it, otherwise, you'll never survive. That's the same with anything in life. If you keep fighting your nature, you'll never learn to harness it for yourself."

"And they say fighters can't be philosophers." I chuckle "Honestly, it was your teachings that made me decide to embrace Shade." I explain, starting to smile at the thought.

"Shade?" she asks, confused.

"The darker part of me that Gael had created. According to Lucius, that was what he named her back then. Anyway, I realized that despite her origins, she was as much a part of me as I was her. I realized that there was no point in fighting it, I might as well embrace my inner demons and use them to fight for me instead of letting them keep hurting me." I explain confidently, and I see her start to smile.

"I think you made the right choice, warrior." she says happily "Not to mention, if Gael saw what you've done with his power, he'd be pissed that it backfired on him." she laughs.

"Without a doubt." I chuckle, and suddenly we see clouds start to form overhead, and I feel it begin to drizzle. Nervous, I look at her, but she seems accepting of what's to come.

"Well," she says as she smacks her knees, standing up "It looks like it's time for me to set off," she states, walking down the deck. Carefully, I stand up and watch her head to the upper deck "Thank you for staying with me, Breeze. But don't mourn today, not until the ancient bitch is dead."

"Of course," I start to cry as the rain starts to come down harder.

"I'll find smoother seas next time, and tell Rynn that we'll be together again when the time is right."

"I will," I say as I feel everything start to go dark "Safe travels, Eliana."

"Until we meet again, little warrior."

My Sails are Set- Sonya Belousova & Giona Ostinelli

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