Chapter 1

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"Who wants to go next?" The evil women that decorated herself on the black metal chair that was specially crafted for her, asked excitedly with evil mischief gleam in her eyes, clasping her fingers together. The group of men who stood in front of her trembled in fear as they fearfully looked at the shot- and now dead- man.

"He's actually dead." She could make out someone murmering in disbelief.

Duh! She was really good at it. So good she didn't have to pretend.

"So will you if you keep implying I carry around fake bullets which are expensive." The multi millionaire who'd built an empire despite her young age merely shrugged in response. Spinning the slightly warm gun in her index finger, her eyes flashed with a glint as she looked at a particularly scared man. "Now that we've put it behind us. Who wants to go next?" 

She had to bite back the smirk that threatened to break out on her face, pretending to lick her dry lips instead, spinning the gun on the table as she played Russian roulette with their lives. Gambling was addictive after all, even more the scent of cold sweat in the dark room.

Located 6 feet under the ground while still alive.

That was the speciality with assassin agency, it had people quivering in fear just hearing their name. A place where cold blooded murderers are made, like herself was made. 

She didn't want all of them dead, under the orders of her supposed 'father'. But she wasn't particularly known for having a pleasant temper, but she knew her adopted father would understand in case accidents happened. They always did.

You can't make them all satisfied, now can you?

And Vanessa Roselette Knight certainly wasn't going to be a exception, aiming to achieve that unachievable goal. A standard no one can live up to.

"Well then if no one's useful, I don't see a reason for any of you to exist." Vanessa viciously muttered under her breath, bringing the gun up once again as she stalked her next prey in the cage- tied to the chair with their hands ties behind their back.

Those low life gangsters weren't much to brag about if she'd killed them. If anything, it was an insult she even had to torture those low life thugs. But mentally torturing people put her in a bad mood. Especially now that she knew something that shattered her entire reality. Destroyed her inner peace, something she didn't even know she had till then.

"Vanessa." She heard the man's hoarse voice who'd held her close to his chest at nights, who'd knew more things about her than anyone alive did. She'd felt the rumbles of his body anytime he spoke with her palm against his chest. His hard on against her smooth skin as she teased him relentlessly. That course voice of his she gotten accustomed to hearing after waking up in the morning.

Pleasant memories tainted with blood.

A rush of helpless rage coursed through her vein she couldn't act upon. She can't act upon. Knowing what she did.

The temperature in the room dropped by a good 5 degrees as her eyes casted into slits moving from the gangsters eyes to the man who betrayed her. Ruined her in the worst way possible. Pushed her into a world of crime.

"Why are you calling me that psedo name, it's not like you don't know my real one." She taunted him, unsure where it was a cruel reminder to herself that she'd fallen for the wrong man or him, reminding him of what he'd done.




What is it? How do you describe it? What is the meaning of living?

A phase that you go through because you aren't dead yet?

I may not know what normal life is. I may not know what people usually do when they wake up with their past memories completely wiped off. I may not know what normal 'healing' is. And certainly not what happiness truly is.

But I do know what pain and betrayal is.

Life isn't fairytale or sugars or whatever fancy terms you'd use. Often times, you're just hanging on to a thin rope made of ice steeled into your heart. The longer you live, the more it melts. And when it does finish melting, that's when you die.

Life? What is supposed to be? Nice? With warm loving parents, perhaps. Two if you're lucky enough.

I do not know what actually constituents to a happy life. Hell, I don't even know what my life was, what my real name is, my birthday. Nothing. Life before 4 before years ago is dark and bleak, an endless abyss I could only look into till it causes me a throbbing headache.

But I do know when Vanessa Roselette knight was born. The new girl. The ultimate new me, in a run down hospital with mediocre funding and a sweet nurse.

I may not know what pretentious life I lived before going under the wheels, but it's over.

Cold hard facts didn't have emotions. I liked it. But why did my eyes fell itchy sometimes? Was I having a allergic reaction? Does it make your lips wobble too.

Emotions are better left buried deep inside, you've completely disconnected from it. No betrayals or backstabbing.


It's human nature to be cautious of something you aren't sure. I never was sure of this hell, life dealt me with. Everyone I knew, everyone I loved have and has always left me behind, betrayed me and backstabbed me.

Trust.... isn't something that came easily, yet I- oh so cleverly- managed to trust only those who'd betray me in the end.

Those that had their intention clear as bright as day.

I'm Vanessa Roselette Knight. An assassin, a torturer. The darkest, dark can go.

Not a hero, I'm not going to pretend to be one. I'm the villain that haunts people's nightmares, if anything. Consider me a antihero if you will that clears the roads from deranged people whilst being the most deranged one of them all.

But, I'll let you be the judge in this story. Use your perceptive to condemn me, rejoice me or forget me.

Judge me all you want, condemn me as you please. But remember, your on the other end of the screen reading through my life story. Not living it. Impugn my validity but remember, when push comes to shove and you're on the verge of getting daggered, a screen isn't going to protect you.

Call me a maniac and psychopath, it isn't further from the truth. Honesty and propriety doesn't have place while living on the street.

Thinking back, throughout the 4 years i could remember, pain is what I've knowing the most.

Life hasn't been kind to me. I plan to practice what I've been preached through my short brain memory life span.

Everyone who has wronged me shall pay. But... is it really that simple? Can I... do the hunting? When it comes from those I know. And trusted.....
more than life itself.

My heart filled with pain, I let out a sigh looking down from the terrace of my house. An expansive place.

The lies I've been told and the lies I've been led to believe taint the blue ocean with a red tinge. Not something I regret, my insides crawling with pride as the memories I shouldn't be cherishing hit me where it hurt the most.

You do not know me. You never will. But, here we go nonetheless. To understand me we need to begin from the starting.

So now I stand before you, exposed. Baring my life completely. Something, I've never once told a soul that's alive.

It's judgment day now, for me.

Black Mask: Lost Past [Revamp] [On Hold For Now]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora