Chapter 4

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'It's hurtful losing that one person whom you could confide in, isn't it? That one whom you'd fight the world for?'

Maybe it was Victoria, or something it was that she said that invoked a fiery passion inside me.

Our similar life.

The same reason that pushed us to immerse ourselves into this lifestyle.

To fulfill our desire for revenge. Something that felt so far out of reach until assassin agency helped ingnite that dream.

It was easier to talk to her. We formed an undeniable connection ever since that night at the terrace.

Unlike Elizabeth- who was born into a great mafia family- Victoria simply had a mother and an unknown father.

Take the only parent she had out of the picture and add in a creep who made that possible, you get a crazy mania willing to lose her life to get her revenge.

She was then scouted by Alexander's men as she waited on the footpath outside the creeps house after having killed him, waiting for cops to whisk her away with a haggard and forlorn look and delivering her revenge.

And that crook lip of hers tugged upwards with a smug smirk, as if to say 'I've avenged you, mommy. You're death wasn't in vain'.

Thought Victoria never met or even seen her father, her mother had talked about him with great passion shining behind her nostalgic eyes- and something else that can never be mistaken as anything else but regret and longing, longing to meet him again.

Knowing Alexander wouldn't let me deal with the lowly scums myself or let his legacy come under fire, I created a fictitious character out of thin air to torture those pieces of shit for their reprehensible action.

Rip their pathetic lives that they clutched to themselves in their fists, exacting my revenge the way Christina's was ripped away from her.

Just like I thought, it didn't take too long for Alexander to figure out the masacar of the petty gang and before long he beckoned me to his office with a peculiar tightness in his voice and his eyes buzzing with restrained anger.



"Did you kill him." Alexander asked her as soon as she entered the spacious room.

Pushing the 8 inches tablet towards her with a pointed look- pinning her with a sharp gaze, daring her to commit the act of perjury. 

It was the thick black bold headline that caught her eyes first, and she had to say hiding that look of triumph has never been harder or more satisfying.

She expected no less happiness from exacting her own revenge from her 'father'. 


Below it was written in considerably tinner font, slightly slanted forward in italic.

'A group of notorious criminals were burnt to ground by an unknown person earlier this morning, in a pub they're known to frequently visit.

The unknown left a black note behind with the signature 'black mask' stating that 'reprehensible actions have terrible consequences'.

This clue gives us insight to let us believe that the gruesome deplorable action of this individual was done to seek revenge in cold blood, or warm blood in this case.

The police believe that there's a personal vendetta behind this heinous crime and that the murder of approximately 50 human beings are gang related.

With no known lead to catch the brutal killer, the cops are forced to close the case as for now.

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