Chapter 2

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Grab a bowl of popcorn or snacks to keep you fed and hold tight the bench you're sitting on or the bed you're laying on, because this is going to take a while.

The story of my life.

The birth of Vanessa Roselette Knight.

So let's start.

From the very beginning.

The story didn't start now, perhaps it started before I even became Vanessa. Who knows? It's not like anyone would tell me.

It happened then, 4 years ago after I got hit by a truck and woke up in the hard and cold mattress of a government funded hospital.


"You're awake." A friendly face amongst the annoyed and forever busy nurses entered the room with her tone chirpy and cheerful.

Everything was a blur then. I didn't know nor did I understand what was going on. All I was told- or what anyone knew- was that I was hit by a truck and suffered from retrograde amnesia- something that causes you to forget everything that happened before the accident.

That was fine. I could live with it.

The clothes I wore at the time of accident didn't look cheap so it was easy to assume I wasn't an orphan, that I had a guardian out there. I just had to patiently wait for them to find me. Bring me home. Tell me who I am, the life I led till the point of accident.

Simple enough, right?

I couldn't have been more wrong with that naive thinking of mine.

It wasn't simple. Not by a long shot.

How could it when I didn't have a fucking guardian. No one came to 'claim' me like I had hoped like a fucking child.

After a week of hoping and praying and waiting, it started to became apparent that I was on my own.

Saying it aloud shouldn't have pained me like it did, like someone was squeezing my arteries and ripping it out of my chest. The tiny blood vessel one can't see with naked eye, bursting in flames. Squeezing in torment.

I was an orphan. Not one without parents, but one who wasn't wanted by parents.

"Yea." I muttered under my breath in distress. A crippling pain that found its place in my chest and white icy hot pain running down my in my leg.

It wasn't a pleasant feeling know there was no one out there who'd cry over your disappearance. No one who wanted you around. No one who'd search for you. Even more disappointing there was not a single soul who knew who I was.

"The doctor thinks your 13-15 after a thorough assessment of your bone cartilage." The friendly nurse- Britney- once said, after my stay extended to 2 weeks.

I don't know why but the name 'Vanessa' was the only thing that I could hear resonating in waves inside my head- my joints rubbed against each other painfully, as I learnt to walk again.

Every step I took, there was a burning agonizing pain that begged me from taking another.

Was it my name? Perhaps, someone important to me? Probably.

Someone who was somehow responsible for my demise?

An answer that was an option.

With the way my heart flipped as I spoke that name, I knew there was something I was doing right.

I just had to know what.

An irritation that can't be explained in words.

It was, needless to say, a helpless feeling. You want something, you can have it. You just have to convince the person with the authority and power to grant it to you that you're deserving of it.

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