you are a failure

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Sorry guys if i posted this late but i was doing my homework and just finished, enjoy and thank you for the support!

Tsukasa's pov

I woke up in a different bed?
Oh right, I was having a sleepover at rui's house yesterday.

i checked the time on my phone and it was really early, it was 6:30 in the morning, so in order not to wake anyone up i turned on my phone and started scrolling a bit on instagram until 7:25.

"Mh? Oh good morning tsukasa!Are you up yet? it's barely 7:30?"
"Oh yeah I just woke up"

I lied because I knew rui would start asking me to get more sleep soo...

"Okay, wanna go down and get breakfast?"
"I'm not really hun-"
"Come onnnn"

By the way, yesterday he was acting...strange?
He started asking me weird question like if everything was ok and if I ever had some problem I could talk to him.
I think he is hiding something from me.
But anyways, we go downstairs and meet rui's mother.I like her very much because she's always kind and cheerful, she improves the mood of everyone around her,

"Hello mom"
"Goodmorning guys! Did you sleep well?"
"Uh yeah!"
"I'm glad, anyways here you go!"

She gave us some pancakes, milk, coffee,juice and jam.

"Thanks miss!"
"Aww you're so kind! You're welcome!"

we started climbing the stairs to go to rui's room to eat, and also to discuss the new show planned by the crew.
After we finished we started getting ready.
He gave me a sweatshirt and some trousers since I didn't have anything with me, luckily the trousers fit me (I didn't know what to do if they were bigger)
"Tsutsu I think you should start going home, if you want I can accompany you"
"Oh no thank you "
"Okay then!See you this afternoon at the stage"
And with that I started walkimg out of the house.
I take out my phone and I see a message
From my mom
'Your father will be home soon!'
I wasn't very happy about it.
Me and my father we always argue when he's home and even when he's not.
I hate him so much.
I finally got home, I knock and my sister open the door.
"Goodmorning big bro!"
"Goodmorning saki!"
"Hello son."
"Oh, hello father"
"are you still angry?"
"I'm not surprised, by the way I got you in a piano competition, you need to get ready in a week"
"But dad! I can't I have practice this week for my next show-"
"I don't give a fuck. it's not my fault you're a failure and a shitty son, you made me spend so much money on medical care and look, you still have a body too weak to walk out of a hospital and be normal, shame on you, i'm so disappointed in you."
He never talked to me that way.
My ears started ringing my head hurt and my mom was silent, she was looking at me, my sister was shocked and tried to talk to me but I didn't understand her, I felt nothing and before I knew it, I lost consciousness



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Sorry if im latee

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