Chapter 6- Bliss

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Hux's pov:

Kylo had driven us both back to our dorm, nothing was said the entire car ride. He didn't even attempt (thank god). I refused to even look at him, instead I stared out the window at passing cars.

As soon as he parked I opened the door and walked away rapidly. I made my way through the corridors receiving a few stares from others. I had completely forgot half my head was bandaged.

When I finally made it to my room I went straight to the bathroom (not bothering to close the bathroom door) and stared at the pack of paracetamol. I'm seventeen (nearly eighteen) and I'd never taken a tablet ever before. Strawberry calpol was my go to (AN: am I writing this bit  about myself, yes yes I am. Calpol> paracetamol); I even considered taking it but remembered it probably wouldn't help in any way.

I heard the front door slam and Kylo looked through into the bathroom at me sat on the closed toilet seat. "You ok." I looked between him and the paracetamol, "Have you never taken a tablet before."

I rolled my eyes and nodded, it's fucking embarrassing. He snorts slightly, "Haha that so-" he's cut off when the box hits him in the eye. He looks up at me and sarcastically widened his mouth, "How dare you?!" he laughs.

He thinks he's so funny. In reality he's just a twat.

"Ok ok," he says, "Let me get you some water and i'll show you how to take them." He left by picking up the box. I just sat there. I really felt the pain now. Whether it was the alcohol or the cut, my head was pounding. Making it worse, kylo came back into my view.

"Ok so," he walked over to me handing me one of the tablets, "Just put this in your mouth and drink." he then handed me the glass of water. I did exactly as he said, nothing happened, it was still stuck on my tongue, "Have you swallowed it?" I shook my head, "Ok... just throw your head back or something."

I did just that. Nothing happened. So, I bit it. (AN: again relatable). He looked at me in disbelief, "Did you just bite it?" I nodded confused, "I- wow- ew!"

I shrugged my shoulders. It got the job done?

When I sat down on my bed he did the same. GET OFF. Anyway. He started to speak, "Are you going to sue me? It's just that I didn't mean to I just panicked, I don't have the money for a law suit, i'll do anything just please don't please-" he stopped when he noticed me shaking my head. He sighed in relief, "Oh thank you so much!" and he hugged me.

He hugged me. I tensed up and my eyes widened. Once he realised what he's done he let go immediately and nervously laughed, "Ha- sorry."

Time skip brought to you by my inability to take medication


It was finally Monday. Nothing had healed, my head still throbbed but I woke up at six am as usual. As I started getting ready (changing my bandages, doing my hair, all that jazz) Kylo woke up.

"What are you doing?" he yawned. Whoah hot.

I gestured to myself as if it was obvious.

"Are you going to classes?" He asked as he drank some week old water. Rank. I nodded. Of course I am, I can't miss anything. I thought. "Your injured, you can't go to class! What if you... think too hard and your brain comes out the wound." He said. The worst thing was, he was being dead serious.

I rolled my eyes and he spoke up again, "You cant I won't let you! You don't even need to go anyway, your smart enough."

I've had enough. I'm going to speak to him, one time. "I'll do what I bloody well please! I can't fall behind, I cant allow it. So shut up and leave me alone."

He looked stunned at me speaking. I don't know why. "I forgot how nice your sober voice is." he said dreamily.


I picked up my satchel and left. I don't care that it's like six thirty, I can't deal with him. I found Phasma's dorm and pounded at the door. She hadn't got a roommate this year. I wish we could switch.

The door opened and a groggy Phasma answered, "What are you-" she looked up, "What happened to your head?!"

"Kylo. Kylo happened to my head! Now let me in and i'll explain." I said and she allowed me to.

As she got ready I proceeded to tell her everything. When I had finished she spoke up, "So, are you gonna sue? I mean the nurse said it would be a good idea. It's not like you don't have the money."

I hummed, "True but I cant be bothered. Also, it's pretty petty. All he did was push me." I had heard what he said earlier about the money and I felt bad. Not many people are as fortunate as me. But if he did harm me again I will sue that bastard.

"Why did he push you though?"  Ahhhh yeah. That's the one bit I missed out.

"Please don't laugh. I was drunk and- no I can't do it." I said, this was too embarrassing even for my best friend.

"Oh pleassseeee!" she begged while putting some books into her backpack.

I looked down at my shoes.
"Fine. I was drunk and, he was walking me back. I fell and- god I hate this. His hair looked soft so I touched it... and then he pushed me." When I finished I looked up, her mouth was hanging open.

"Whoah. Do you like him? Well did you before he gave you a concussion." she laughed.

"No! No way. Like I said. I. Was. Drunk!" I said rolling my eyes.

She put her bag on her shoulders, "Well you know what they say, drunk words are a sober man's thoughts."

"Hey that doesn't even-" but before I could finish she'd left. I followed her out and prepared myself for the class I was about to have.

Time skip brought to you by funko pops


When I walked into my history class I heard whispers. A lot of whispers.

Mr Grambs came rushing over to me, "Oh are you ok? I heard about your Aunt Patty and-" he stopped after he got a proper look at me, "What happened to your head?"

"My heads fine I just... fell." I then realised I had to play along with the Aunt Patty bit, "And we are sad about Aunt Patty but she was old. Thank you though."

He smiled, "Of course. If you ever need to talk, i'm always here."

And with that I sat down in my seat.

1181 words

Can we all tell I'm english?

Also if you have any ideas let me know :) They might not be used straight away but i'll use them and you will be credited :)

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