Chapter 12- Realisation

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Hux's pov:

"What?" he questioned, extremely confused.

"I want you to teach me how to paint," I repeated, "Please." I quickly added on the end.

He grinned, "Yes! I would love to, how about tomorrow when I get back from class?" I nodded, "Perfect!"

And with that we both went to sleep.

Time skip brought to you by my friends calling Adam Driver a -3


I sat through my history lesson excitingly waiting for later on. I was not paying attention but I didn't care ; I was too exited about later on.

Eventually my class finished and I sped out. I had decided to go to the shop first and get some food. Kylo had another period to go where as I had free period, so I thought it was best to get some snacks.

I looked around the shop finding different things placing them into a basket. When I was finished I payed and left. Practically sprinting, I made my way back to our dorm.

When I arrived he was there. He had already set up the canvas with paints out ready.

He looked up, "Hey!" I showed him the bag and he smiled, "Oohh what you got?" He came over and looked in the bag. "Nice."

I smiled (I'd been doing that a lot recently, my face had started hurting from it.)

"Okay come here and we'll begin painting, what do you want to paint?" I shrugged. I would of said him but for someone who has never painted in their entire life I think I might offend him with my portrait. "Ok how about some flowers, there always a pretty good thing to start with. Which flowers?"

I began to think (not for long though), "Lily's." I smiled.

He nodded, "Ok just let me find a reference photo." he said looking down at his phone. "What about this one?" He showed me a picture of some lily's. I nodded. "Cool, so your going to want to do your basic sketch first. So you just..." he continued talking but I wasn't listening. His face was close to mine, that's all I could focus on.

I started to sketch the outline. It didn't look too bad. You could tell they were lily's. They weren't as good as what he could do though.

Once I had finished that he began to mix up a few paint colours. "Ok so now you want to go over with paint. I start with the dark areas and then go over top with the light parts. Got it?" I nodded (I defiantly did not get it). "You just want to move your brush in smooth motion and in one direction."

I tried to do as he said and it was shit. Well and truly shit. I might as well of finger painted. It looked as if it had been painted by a toddler. I looked over to Kylo indicating that I needed help. He had gotten weirdly good at reading my expressions and mannerisms lately. I don't know, maybe it's just an artist thing.

"Do you need some help?" he asked but not in a mocking tone. I nodded. I think it was pretty obvious, "Ok let me just," he came up behind me and held my hand controlling where I was painting.

It already looked better but I wasn't concentrating on that.

I could feel his breath down my neck. I looked slightly to the side and he was there. He was up close and I got a look at him. His eyes were stunning. Screw whatever I said before hand, they were as beautiful as beautiful can be.

He was still holding my hand and painting when he said, "Hey I was wondering. You know that piece I handed in today, of you. Well they want to put it on display, is that ok?" He was still concentrating on the painting as he spoke.

"Yes of course why wouldn't it be? It's your painting." I smiled.

"Yes but it's also your body. I just wanted to make sure you were okay with a topless painting of you being on display on campus just because most people will know it's you." He said. I couldn't tell if he was trying to warn me or just explain the situation.

"I don't mind." At least I don't think I do.

We slipped back into silence again. It was nice, I'm sure my face was as red as a tomato but I couldn't care less.

Kylo let go of my hand and I felt slightly sad. "All done!" he exclaimed. I looked at the painting (I had just been staring at him for the past hour) it was beautiful. Yet so simple. It was fascinating how a vase of lily's could strike such emotion. "For your first painting it's really good!"

He went over to his bed and I went over to mine. I chucked slightly, "Yeah but to be fair you painted most of it. If you hadn't of helped it would of looked like shit."

He started laughing, "Well if it makes you feel any better I couldn't tell you one thing about the Vietnam war."

I might sound like a narcissist but that did make me feel better.

Eventually the lights were turned off and it was 10pm. It felt like one of those sleepovers where you know the other is awake but you don't want to say anything. But I did, "Why did you choose to be an artist?" I asked.

I could hear his smile through his voice, "Well it may sound silly but I just want to capture the most beautiful things in the most beautiful way possible. Well at least I think it is. That's why I paint and sketch you so much because you are stunning. You are the most handsome person out there and anyone who tells you otherwise is either blind or dead wrong. You are a quiet kind of beautiful."

And that was the moment when I realised something ; I love Kylo.
More than I love anyone else.

1052 words

Fun fact I can't actually spell the word beautiful and the amount of times I had to google it just
for this chapter is unholy (yes I did have to google it when I just typed it).

Quiet love ~ KyluxWhere stories live. Discover now