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"I almost died today. Again."

"I'm afraid, there's nothing we can do for you, Ms

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"I'm afraid, there's nothing we can do for you, Ms. Thomas," said the doctor as she sat on a hospital bed with a pair of nasal cannula placed in her nose.

"What do you mean?" Everly asked, her voice wavering slightly and her hands unconsciously went to grab the suited original's hand for support, as if it would give her more courage.

"From your record, I see you already have a couple of cardiogenic shock in the past six months and this would be your third. They have really damaged your heart and I'm afraid the help from your pacemaker has been reduced to minimal. We could give you some medication to alleviate the chest pains and the swelling, but you will still experience shortness of breath and coughs."

"How long do I have?" She felt Elijah tightened his grasp on her palm, but she didn't dare to look at the pity in his eyes.

The doctor said with a slight smile, "You will have three to five years until you will need LVAD if we haven't find your heart yet, which should be more than enough time even in your case. So, don't need to worry."

Everly let out a sign of relief, while Elijah visibly relaxed. "But," they tensed up again, "If something like this happen again, we might need to resort to LVAD and your time will be more scarce. You will be scraping by."

Elijah nodded, determination shone in his eyes, and said firmly, "We understand. We will make sure this doesn't happen again."

The doctor glanced at him and raised an eyebrow at him before shifting her gaze at Everly, who seemed to be in a daze. She instructed, "You can stay here until your medication is ready, and I will also prescribe you a portal oxygen concentrator. You can use them if you feel difficult to breath or if you can't sleep at night."

Everly nodded. The pair fell into a deafening silence as the doctor disappeared into the hallway, leaving them alone in the room. Everly pulled down her nasal cannula, slowly stepped onto the floor with Elijah's help. She pushed his hands away and took a few step, then a small smile appeared on her lips when she felt no different. 

She took a few deep breaths. A surge of air entered her lungs and quickly followed was a dull ache hammering irregularly against her rib cage, giving her a slight discomforting palpitation. She frowned, trying again, but became more breathless. Elijah gently put the nasal cannula back on with worried frowns, and what happened next make him panic.

Everly stared at the oxygen tank beside the bed that was connected to her cannula, and her lips pursed together, quivering slightly when she felt her panting disappeared with the machine's help. 

"Everly?" Elijah tentatively asked at her silent and sulking frame.

Her once lively blue eyes brimming with tears of frustration as she met his eyes, and her throat closed up and burned from the lump scrapping against her vocal cords. She swallowed hard and shakily pressed into the familiar contact. Her voice echoed loudly in the room, "Hello, you have reached Mrs. Isabella Thomas' voice mail. She is currently unavailable, please leave a message after the beep."

[Completed] Everly-Rose [1] | Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now