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She should've known that vampires like Klaus and Rebekah don't care about human life, but what surprised her was Stefan's nonchalance and even went with it

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She should've known that vampires like Klaus and Rebekah don't care about human life, but what surprised her was Stefan's nonchalance and even went with it. She thought Stefan was the 'good guy' here, seeing as he seemed tormented during the months they were with Klaus and how he was always the one who stopped Damon's reckless and merciless plans. Everly wanted to believe that it was all part of the plan to lose Klaus' suspicion as they prepared to mess up Klaus' hybrid plan. Yet, she didn't miss the annoyance and anxiousness in Stefan's eyes. Annoyed at Klaus' comments, and anxious that Klaus would know about the necklace. But there was no remorse, and no guilt until he saw her. He was always so gentle with Elena and wouldn't harm any innocent people in her presence. Then why did she saw no guilt in his forest-green eyes? The human girl was innocent too. 

Everly leaned against the alley wall with her eyes closed, hiding the disappointment swirling in the. For the first time, she finally realized that Stefan may not be as good and righteous as he had made others believed, as she believed, and as he made himself believed. Because no good and righteous person would be selective in the people that they save. They would save those that were innocent, regardless of sides, age, gender, and environment.

She was beyond disappointed and exhausted. She was tired of always traveling around, unable to sleep at night, and constantly under the threat of one of their temper tantrums that was likely to get her killed, and even how her chest tightened with every little temper she had. It was as if she was confined in her own body, unable to feel any stronger than a polite smile because it would be too overwhelming for her heart, and for that, her frustration was rising exponentially, creating some sort of paradox.

An abrupt ring came blasting into her ears, startling her. She pulled out her phone and the caller name on the screen made her throat closed up, then cleared her throat as she composed herself to welcome the caller's voice.

Letting out a deep and shaky breath, she picked up the phone, "Mom?"

"Everly-Rose Thomas," her mother's familiar stern voice traveled through the device, "Where are you? Do you have any idea how worry I was when I return to an empty home, your blanket on the floor, and your bed looked like no one has slept on it for weeks and your pills still stood on your nightstand?"

Everly sniffled and unable to speak as the lump in her throat grew larger that she could barely breath properly. With the sounds of her mom's breathing, Everly blurted out the last thing on her mind, "Jenna is dead."


"Auntie J is dead. T-there's an a-accident, and I-I want to go home, mom, I want to go home. I-I can't, I c-can't–" Everything just came out of her mouth incoherently, and her mind became fuzzy upon hearing her mother's voice. The comfort that only a mother could provide to her child, but the eagerness to see her mom and tell her everything she's been through while she was away made not only her mind, but also her heart to become overdrive. 

"Everly? Everly, sweetie, what's wrong?"

Just as she was about to suffer a panic attack, a gush of wind flapped against her hair and caused her to drop her phone on the ground. "Breath, Everly. Breath." Everly blinked through her blurry tears and muttered, "Katherine?"


The vampire doppelgänger nodded with a light smile, and instructed, "Now, Everly. Breath. You are okay. Just follow me. 3 2 1, inhale. And slowly, exhale. 3 2 1."

Everly's breath gradually evened and Katherine let out a sigh of relief.

"Everly, what happened? Are you okay? Do you need help? Is there anyone beside you?" Her mom's frantic and worried voice came through the voice.

Everly went to grab the phone but Katherine beat her to it. "Hello, Mrs. Thomas. Everly is alright. She had a slight panic attack and her heart," she paused slightly with her ears trained onto Everly's weak but steady heartbeats, "Is fine."

"Oh thank god. Where is she?"

"She's in Chicago but I will bring her back to you, if you don't mind, Mrs. Thomas," Katherine sent a reassuring smile at Everly's widened eyes, knowing the girl was worried about Klaus.

"Thank you, Katherine. And if you want, call me Isabella. Also, tell Everly that she better explain to me why she's at Chicago."

"Alright, Isabella. I will bring Everly home to you, safe and sound." With that, Katherine hung up the phone and glanced at the teary and flustered human.

"What should I say to my mom? She'll never believe me that a evil werewolf-vampire hybrid called Klaus kidnapped me along with my selectively righteous friend to Chicago because someone his suited older brother gives me a necklace," Everly stressed, her vexation was evident in her voice.

"Well, that's not very important now is it? Let's get you safely back home first and some rest too," Katherine said, extending her hand which Everly quickly grabbed and stood up with the vampire's gentle but firm pull.

"What about Klaus? And Stefan?" She asked, following behind her.

"They can take care of themselves. Besides, Stefan has something to worry about and I don't want you to get involved," Katherine said with an unreadable expression on her face but if one looked closely, there was a tinge of resentment as she uttered the Salvatore's name. Everly sent her a puzzled look, making her answered with a sigh, "Elena is alive and Klaus is very close to finding that out."

"What?!" Everly exclaimed in disbelief and realization dawn on her, remembering the irritated and sad look on Stefan's face with the absence of sorrow. She muttered, "I always thought he just didn't want to show his weakness to Klaus and I didn't want to remind him so I never asked. So they're all lies?"

Katherine glanced at her sympathetically, "I'm sorry, Everly. But you know for Stefan, Elena always come first."

Hurt lingered on Everly's face for a moment before it was replaced with understanding. Although Katherine's words were brutally true, Everly understood that there was always a sort of priority rank in each person's heart and it just so happened that Elena was higher in Stefan's heart, which she believed to be completely acceptable as she was his girlfriend. It was also a great reminder for her that she shouldn't count on them to save her life in the supernatural world, and should put some distance between them. After all, it was enough trying to survive her fragile heart and getting pulled into their supernatural feuds was just not an option for her, not to mention her safety would never be their priority. 

Katherine didn't miss the girl's change of attitude and straightened back after a brief slouch, and she smiled proudly. One of the reason Katherine loved most about Everly and also what drew her to the human, was that while the girl was kind-hearted, loyal, she wasn't blindly loyal like Bonnie or Caroline. She saw Everly as the best kinds of person that was capable to be simultaneously loyal to their friends and themselves. Everly wasn't like herself that would betray anyone to be loyal to herself, nor was she like Caroline and Bonnie who were willing to be blindly loyal to her human doppelgänger even at the cost of themselves. 

All in all, Everly-Rose Thomas was a benevolent person that would be willing to give even the worst kind of people another chance, but she was also no pushover. She was a rational human with the perfect amount of empathy and compassion.

A/N: unedited. I had a tiny writer's block while writing this chapter so it took me a bit more time. And the crying Everly will end in this chapter (I feel like she's crying more in these two or three chapters, only because I'm homesick living abroad. And whenever I call my parents, I wanna 😭)

I'm probably going to be updating weekly, or whenever I have the time and inspiration. 

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[Completed] Everly-Rose [1] | Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now