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Waking up with a headache wasn't really a good thing. And I wanted to stay in bed when I realized what day it was. Monday. Work! Grabbing my phone I didn't even look at the time and called Jackson. He picked up quickly. Quicker than I wanted him to.. Now I have to talk to him.. 

"Where on earth are you?!" He asked without a hello. I groaned and let myself fall back into the soft bed.

"I'm sick.. I got sick yesterday, I know.. I should've called. I'm really sorry, Louis.." I mumbled. Jackson sighed on the other line and I could see him rolling his eyes at me.

"Can you cover for me? This one time..?" I asked, hearing some voices in the back of Jackson's line.

"I can, you own me." He claimed. I let out a chuckle.

"Do I? How many times have I covered for your?" I asked and heard Jackson mumbled a small 'shit'. Jackson was a white, cis, gay man and he can stay at home without getting any trouble. Obviously, me on the other hand? No. I'm not allowed to do that and would get in trouble if it would happen more than twice.

"Thank you!" I said and groaned again, feeling my head pounding. My god.. I didn't drink that much yesterday, did I? 

As I pulled the blanket away and carefully sat up, I saw the half empty wine bottle on the ground and all the memories came back. I did grab a wine and a champagne bottle. But the wine was not really what I wanted and I realized it too late.

God.. What Brahms must think of me? Oh, no.. I wanted to take off his mask. Shaking my head, which wasn't a good idea, I stood up in pain and took new clothes since I was still wearing those dirty things from yesterday that Brahms wanted to take off me but I didn't let him.

After a quick shower and 'makeover', I felt a bit better but not good enough. Though, I smelled the coffee downstairs and walked into the kitchen. Brahms was sitting at the table, his mask pulled up slightly, he was eating.

"Morning, Brahms." I said and waved slightly, pouring coffee into a cup. He looked at me, I felt his eyes on my body.

"Can we forget what happened yesterday? That… that would be really nice." I mumbled and sat down across from him. He tilted his head, not saying a word. His hair curly and falling to the side as always. He was quite cute.. I still shouldn't think that.

"But it's fine." Brahms said and stood up, taking his plate to the sink. Suddenly, someone knocked at the door. I looked up confused.

"It's Monday." Brahms mumbled and I realized. Delivery. I took my cup and stood up, walking to the door. Next to me, the walls rattled and I knew Brahms was watching me. A younger boy, maybe in his early twenties was standing in front of me as I opened the door.

"Good morning!" He said and smiled brightly, I noticed the few rings on his fingers and the necklaces around his neck. They were shining in the sun. His red hair, colored, definitely colored, was messy and falling over his eyes.

"I'm Kai!" He introduced himself. I nodded a little and smiled awkwardly.

"Hey.. Question, do you maybe have some aspirin? I have hell of a headache." I said and he chuckled but shook his head.

"No, sorry. Do I know you?" He squeezed his eyes together and bit his lip ring. I shook my head. Why do I have to work at the police?

"The police! You work at the police! Then what are you doing here?" He asked and tilted his head as he grabbed two bags of fresh food and other ingredients and placed it closer to me.

Tag, You're It: Better Run - [Brahms Heelshire Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now