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(song: Gasoline - Halsey (for the first part only!))

"Don't waste your pretty, little face." I heard from behind me and pulled my jacket closer around my body. It was dark, night and I just went to get some fresh fruits from the market since they open around this time of the day, or night.

But of course.. at night not only I was walking around but also men. Drunk men. Men, that would love to take me from where I was.

"Hey, darling. Come on, don't be so shy." He called after me but I just kept walking back to my house. Well, not technically, I was already walking past it.

"Babyyy" they whined, two men, a bigger chance to get taken. They're two. Two.. Fuck. I'm screwed.

"Don't waste your face, I can use it if you want to!" I heard steps behind me and then, just from the corner of my eye, I saw them next to me. One left. One right.

"It will be wasted after you use it, so no thanks." I mumbled but he heard me and snatched me back, his hand tightly around my arm.

"What did you say?" He asked and his alcoholic breath sickened my stomach. My hands were shaking already, and I felt tears growing a bit.

"Nothing.." I mumbled as I tried to get out of his hand but instead he grabbed my hair, pulled me back. I yelped.. I tried to, there was no sound. No noise came out of me.

"Let go!" I said without a voice and put my hands on his, to take his hands off my me.

"You're mine now, bitch." He said. I grunted, pulled my knee up and hit him right between his legs. Now, the other grabbed me but I already smashed my elbow into his face, hearing the crack of his nose breaking.

I started running.. but I couldn't move an inch. When I looked at the men behind me, they were gone. Where did they go? That is not what happened-

Four hands reached for me from the ground. I was pulled down into a grave, bugs, beetles, ants..  everything was crawling onto my body.

"No-!" I cried out and stomped my feet into the hands, trying to get them to let me go.

Blood was overflowing me suddenly and I felt like drowning, my lungs were burning and everything was red. Dark. Evil.

"Don't waste- don't- pretty face-" It echoed through everywhere distorted. Trying to hold my ears shut, I let the hands pull me down. There was no strength in me anymore.

I landed in a room. It was bright and burned my eyes. Where was I? What happened? Where are the men?

"So, you killed them?" Someone asked. My head hurts and I feel dizzy. Who was talking? Why couldn't I talk? When I tried to open my mouth blood ran out, I was choking. What is happening? Why can't I do anything?!

"You killed them!" They screamed. Killed who? I killed who?! Why couldn't I speak? Why couldn't I ask the questions? Why can't I wake- STAND up.. What no.. that is not what I thought. I know where I am.

"You brutally killed those men." The voice said from around me. Not one place where it was quiet.. and it hurt my ears. My head. Everything was hurting. In pain.

A cold liquid was poured above me, on me. I gasped as the coldness streamed into my body, my clothes soaking wet. With my eyes wide open, I saw a white carpet on the ground and it turned red. Alcohol, the smell burned in my nose while everything turned sticky.

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