Chapter 12

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When you read this, we are no longer together.

You must be confused. This book will not even give you comfort because I cannot write the answers here. You'll have to find them on your own.

Remember the last day we spent together? How honest our words were?

If you remember nothing, at least remember what I told you.

You must.

I flipped through the rest of the book and found nothing past the first page.

"What in the bloody hell does this mean?" I asked aloud. Bellatrix sashayed behind me as I took the book to my room. "Bella," I called to her when she stopped to sniff around Akira's dog still waiting outside his room.

Locking the door, I went to my repertory.

There must be something else in this book.

Pushing aside bottles and old potions, I found the small silver vial. I then laid the book on the floor and opened a blank page. With black powder from the vial, I created a circle around it. Bellatrix hid under the bed, yellow eyes glowing with caution as I cursed under my breath, scrambling to my feet to return to my repertory. "Where's the bloody dagger?"

Bellatrix was licking her paw when I settled back in front of the book. But as soon as I touched the sharp edge of the dagger against my palm, she whined. I scowled at her. "I still know how to do this."

Gritting my teeth, I sliced my hand and made a fist over the mark. Murmuring a spell, I watched as my blood burned the powder. As soon as black smoke rose from the ashes, I pulled my hand back and watched as the ember traveled the full circle. The smoke swept down the book and disappeared, revealing nothing.

"Tarnation!" I cursed and kicked the book. Jumping to my feet, I wrapped a cloth around my shaking hand and fished Evensen's gold case from my pocket. I popped a pill into my mouth and fell into bed, closing my eyes, relishing the instant relief I felt.

Suddenly, I was tired. The internal torture had been taking all of my strength, and now I just wanted to sleep. Rest. Not think. I never liked mysteries, and yet here I was, living one.

My eyes opened.

Remember the last day we spent together? How honest our words were?

If you remember nothing, at least remember what I told you.

The last day I spent with Brie had been tumultuous. That day started like any other. I had just graduated then, and was looking forward to the winter solstice ball. Mother was busy making last-minute preparations with the housekeeper, and Father went for a ride with two of his friends to escape the commotion. Brie had found me in my room and asked if I had a moment. We went for a walk to the woods, taking our usual path.

That's when she told me she made her choice.

"I love him, Aster. He would do anything for me, and I him."

I told her it was impossible. That he was a vampire.

"Love has got nothing to do with what we are," Brie had told me. She touched my cheek, and I turned away, angry tears hot down my cheek. "Someday, you'll understand."

I pushed away. "He's an Evensen."

"Oh, Aster," Brie tearfully said. "You're blinded by hatred."

"No. You're blinded by love!"

"They are good people, Aster. Can you not look beyond what they are and see them for who they are?"

"They're bloodsuckers. They'll feed off you until you have nothing left to give."

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