Chapter 30

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It's time.

When my eyes snapped open, I realized the words were not in my head. It was Nalani. She hissed the words in my ear. "Get ready."

She turned away to wake Katz while I dizzily looked around the small cabin. In one corner were three unconscious Bishops. I assumed they were dead because they weren't bound. Spotting my trunk in one corner, I knew where Alistair took us. From my mental map of the train, the exit door should be just a few paces away from this cabin.

"Klyne and his men are trying to kill as many Bishops as they could," Nalani told me.

I snapped into action almost at the same time as Katz. He looked lost, probably because he did not know the plan, which I quickly provided in one breath. "First, we need your illusion spell. Empty the room," I breathlessly added, pulling Nalani closer. "How about the doors?"

"Klyne said we're using another way."

Katz blinked a few times, but confused or not, he still pushed himself to his knees and lifted his hands. I had seen many witches manipulate light and water before, most of them for entertainment. With the light and the particles of water in the air, they could create illusions. But nothing as good as what Katz could do. He created a barrier between us and the door. Millions of dust-like mirrors glinted as they caught the light and moved into position, almost like a curtain moving against the wind.

I watched, every muscle tense, as the tiny particles continued to move in fluid motion, slowly coming together like pieces of a puzzle. When they finally stopped, mirroring the wall behind us and reflecting it back to whoever may enter the room, Katz's shoulders relaxed. Mine did as well. We held our breaths for a while, listening to the sounds outside.

"Try not to move. This spell is sensitive to movement."

"Tell me again why we can't use the doors?" Katz asked.

"They're currently locked," Nalani whispered.

"What?" I hissed.

"The doors never opened. The Bishops who came out to inspect the tracks used another exit."

"Then how did they enter?"

"The other way. He didn't tell me."

"It's too quiet," Katz said, crouching lower, trying to hear.

"They could all be dead," Nalani said, voice hopeful. "They're trying to take out as many as they could."

"And when did that start?"

"Five minutes ago?" Nalani said with a grimace. "Taking me out of the metal cage took a bit of time."

Katz's jaw tightened. My eyes went to my trunk. We could take out Corey, use him as leverage. Force them to open the doors.

Before I could decide, it started. Someone shouted from the end of the train. "Ferals! Ferals!"

Doors slid open, and more shouts came. "The Omen's gone! Bishops down in the cabins!"

"She's gone!" Akiko shouted. I closed my eyes and focused on her footsteps.

"Check the cabins," Brenna's calm voice ordered as she joined Akiko and Spinett. "The doors?"

"Still closed."

"Good. Find out where their entry point is and lock it down. They could still be here. Why did the train stop?"

"A segment was broken," a Bishop answered.

"This is part of their plan. Bishops outside?"

"We sent five to inspect."

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