Chapter 13

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When we walked through the doors of Good Blood, we instantly noticed something different. There were more patrons in the club than ever before. Many looked over the railings of the floating platforms to watch us cross the hall to the elevator.

I stopped midway, my eyes spotting Evensen sitting with a group of vampires, all of them dressed in black. He was listening to one of them, but I knew he saw me. I sensed my apostles staring with curiosity, but I didn't move until Harald gave up the pretense and moved his head. His gaze locked with mine, the smile on his face unwavering. And with no attempt at acknowledgment, he looked away, continuing his conversation with the group.

My jaw tightened, and I whirled around to storm to the elevator, steps pounding across the wooden floor.

"That's Harald Evensen," Tiff whispered the moment the elevator closed. "Did you see him?"

"Do you know him?" Akira asked me, ignoring Tiff's question. The bruise on his forehead almost disappearing as he frowned.

"Yes," I answered. They waited for me to say more, but I didn't have much to offer. What should I tell them? Harald Evensen was my number one nemesis, but now he was somewhat sharing a dream with me? I didn't even know why it was happening, and even if I knew, I would never share it with anyone. Often, things only happen in dreams because they're meant to be a secret.

"And?" Tiff prodded, impatient.

"I just know him," I said.

"Were you friends?" Lexie asked.

"What makes you say that?"

"I heard many vampires mingled with our kind in the past."

I sighed. "That's right."

"But you didn't like them," Akira guessed correctly. Two-hundred years ago, most of us didn't mind vampires. Even my father was friends with some of them. I was just one minority who believed they were nothing but a brood of spineless devils.

Cedric Corey received us in a spacious office, one that was a contrast to the interior of the club. Of course, the room was white. And he was wearing white. His hair brushed to perfection, his smile dangerously coy.

With my apostles standing on one side of the room, hands at their sides, their gaze directed at the opposite wall, Cedric invited me to sit and enjoy tea with him. For a moment, he threw my apostles a look, as if he was debating whether he should make them leave. But when he sensed me catching the act, he smiled.

"I'm sorry if we kept you waiting for your first assignment. We wanted to let you settle in for a bit longer."

"It's fine," I said, smiling as his eyes wandered down to survey me with fresh interest. I wondered if he looked at other women like this, or if it was just me. Nonetheless, it was a weakness.

Again, he shot my apostles a look before he leaned on his knees, eyes turning serious. "Your assignment is delicate, Aster. It requires the utmost secrecy."

"I'm quite certain you got the best team," I said, glancing at my apostles. I saw the corner of Tiff's mouth quirk.

"Perfect," said Cedric. He pushed a button, and the windows turned white, blocking the view outside. Then it turned black, leaving just one panel lit up. It showed a map. A very easy one to read, apparently. I saw the border that separated us from Old London, then the different Saint Society cities, all represented by a white halo.

"The cities under the Saint Society are all interesting in their own right," Cedric said, manipulating a trackball embedded in the arm of his chair. The map zoomed in on one city. "This is Exodus. It borders Haggai and Hosea. For more than a century, Exodus rejected our society, but twelve years ago, they finally relented and embraced the new world. It's a young city, but we have been making tremendous progress at a rapid rate. While Genesis City and the others are perfect, I cannot say the same with Exodus. It still has many years to catch up on." He paused and faced me, his leg crossed over the other. "Recently, we received reports that the city is harboring ferals."

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