Chapter 8 - Bubba

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Sammy said that Bubba was coming home today! I missed him so much, no offense to my other bubbas but bubba is the best at cuddles! I can't wait to cuddle him when he gets home!

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Sammy said that Bubba was coming home today! I missed him so much, no offense to my other bubbas but bubba is the best at cuddles! I can't wait to cuddle him when he gets home!

"Bubby! When bubba come home?" I asked hoping it was less time than the last time I asked 3 seconds ago.

"After dinner Kayla" Bubby said sounding annoyed. I didn't want to annoy him!

"Sowwy bubby" I said playing with my fingers 

"It's ok baby. I know you're excited." Bubby said with a smile on his face. He's happy again!

"When dinner bubby?" I asked spinning around in circles

"Why don't you go and ask Sammy?" Bubby asked pushing me towards the door "He's in the kitchen."

"Otay!" I said excitedly running towards the kitchen.

"No running Kayla Grace!" Aidy said from his room when he saw me, making me immediately slow down and walk at a fast pace towards the kitchen.

Once I made it to the kitchen, I saw Sammy sitting at the breakfast bar typing on his computer.

"What doing Sammy?" I said walking up to the side of his stool and making grabby hands towards him.

"Just doing some work monkey." He replied placing me on his lap.

"What work?" I asked curiously.

"Just filling in some patient's charts and sending some stuff to the lab" Sammy said knowing I have no idea he's on about.

"Oh, you have fun Sammy?" I asked

"You could say that." He said giggling. "Now, what did you come here for little one?"

"When dinner?" I asked straight up.

"Dinner? We just had breakfast babe. Why do you want to know when dinner is?" He asked confused at my question.

"Bubby say bubba come home afer dinner" I explained

"oh monkey, I'm sorry I don't know if bubba will be home before you to bed. You might have to wait until tomorrow." Sammy said as my heart shattered into a million pieces.

"No Sammy! Pwease me wait!" I said tears now threatening to fall.

"Ok , I'll do you a deal. If you can stay awake until he gets home without throwing a fit, you can wait. But if you throw a fit, you have to go to bed. Okay?" Sammy bargained with me.

"Otay! Me be good!" I said as my face lit up.



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Kayla Grace's bubbasWhere stories live. Discover now