Chapter 12 - Jealousy

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"Come in" I said interrupted from my gaming by a knock on the door

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"Come in" I said interrupted from my gaming by a knock on the door.

"Ollie me sit wif you, pwease?" Kayla asked walking towards me with Juni in her arm, binky in her mouth and blanket being dragged behind her. Telling me she still isn't feeling great.

"Yeah, come here squirt. You still not feeling good?" I asked placing her gently on my lap.

"Nu-uh" She simply replied snuggling into my chest. I just continued with my video games whilst Kayla ended up falling asleep on my lap until there was another knock on my door.

I assumed it was Leo so I just said "Yeah, Kayla's in here."

"I'm not looking for Kayla, Is Juniper hiding in here?" Noah said from my door way.

"Juniper? As in your girlfriend's little sister?" I asked confused, I didn't even know she was here.

"She's not my girlfriend but yeah, Soph's sister."

"Nah, haven't seen her."  

"Ok, thanks."

After a while Kayla woke up, she just chilled with me and we watched a few movies together.

"Kayla did you spill your drink on me?" I asked flinching slightly from the sudden wetness.

"S-sowwy Ollie!" Kayla suddenly burst into tears.

That's when I noticed that Kayla didn't have a drink, I quickly put two and two together and realised that she'd had an accident. Leo did tell me that she'd had a few since she got sick but he said it was only when she was sleeping. This time she was wide awake.

"It's ok squirt, let's get Bubba so you can have a nice bath and get all clean, and I can have a shower." I said and called Leo upstairs.

"What's up bro?" Leo asked as he came in the room.

"Do you mind giving her a bath, so I can have a shower?" I asked not exactly saying what had happened but I think he got the idea.

"Ok, come on angel. Let's get you all cleaned up." He said as he took Kayla's hand and led her to the bathroom.

" He said as he took Kayla's hand and led her to the bathroom

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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