430 22 16

August White

"Brazen you have got to stop, stop please!" I screamed at the man on top of me blowing raspberries into my stomach.

"That's so not fair, you get to steal my hoodies and socks but one kiss and I'm done." he looked up at me with an innocent gaze.

"That's so different."

"How, matter fact these are my underwear aren't they?" he snapped the band on my hip, raising above to kiss me.

"Once again, so not the point!"

The past couple weeks were nothing short of cute and bubble-like. Everything felt too much as if we lived in a fairytale and that was scary as much as it was beautiful. The man was absolutely adoring and it was shocking how much he knew about me in what I thought was a relatively short time period.

Whether it was my food preferences or the various shoes he bought because my beaters "weren't cutting it", or even the understanding of my random mood swings.

The problem was privacy. The way it felt like I knew everything but didn't know anything at all. Starting with his family. He knew of my mom and wasn't shy to speak to her while on the phone but, it was as if he wanted me to know nothing concerning his family tree.

But, thanksgiving was coming up and I desperately wanted to know who my boy-, friends people were.

"So, as you know the break is coming up and, I was wondering if you wanted to... um"

He looked back at me from his closet. "Well don't be shy, spit it out."

"Meet each other's family." The answer was written on his face when it fell.

"Don't you think it's a bit soon for all that?"

"Not really, I mean sure I've never gone the relationship route but I figured it's a good start." I sat up on the bed.

"The relationship route?" he came to a stop and it felt like the room was starting to freeze.

"Yea, the relationship route. We've been on what, three-four dates already." I said thinking of the drive-in movie and painting dates.

I thought he was taking time to gather his thoughts but when he went past me to the bathroom, I followed him.

"Are we not going the relationship route?" I was confused, what had been the point this entire time?

"I mean sure, but you meet parents when things get serious right?" he said brushing his teeth.

"Right." I jumped and sat on the countertop.

"We're not serious though." he spat into the sink.

"W-what do you mean, we've been together doing stuff and I-" I stammered.

He took a deep breath standing between my legs " What do you know about me?" He stared me straight in my eyes, not wavering. It made me nervous.

"You um, you have an older brother and you and your mom liked to bake when you were younger and um, your tattoos meanings." I thought that would be enough.

"You don't know me." it wasn't. He walked away leaving me walking behind him.

"That's- that's concerning really. We have been spending so much time together and sure, maybe I don't know everything but, that can hardly be my fault." I argued.

"And why is that?"

"Because you're always so secretive about everything."

"Secretive about what, would it kill you to know a couple things about me?" he scoffed.

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