ruby ⚕️

121 17 0

Hoseok groaned. The aftermath of drinking was finally hitting him.

His head was pounding, and his ears were ringing.

Sitting up, the boy rubbed his temple, trying to ease the pain a bit

Once the pain subsided, hoseok lifted his head.

He was a bit confused at first, but then memories of last night came back.

He was on Jin's couch.

He found that seokjin was nowhere to be seen.

Hoseok decided that it was the best time for him to leave before seokjin came back to tease him for his behavior of last night.

Hoseok got up stretched his arms and started walking toward the door, but before he could touch it, the door opened.

Hoseok took a step backward as he watched seokjin walk in and close the door.

"You're awake," he said as he walked to sit on the couch.

Jin gestured for hoseok to sit, reluctantly, hoseok complied and sat down.

Seokjin turned to look at hoseok and spoke.

" it seems if you are close to me you can keep a hold on those instincts, I looked into this and have found a solution for you, and for myself too" he mumbled the last part.

Hoseok looked confused.

Seokjin pushed a box toward hoseok, who took it with a skeptical look.

Hoseok opened the box and found that there was a necklace. At the end of the necklace, there was a deep dark ruby.

Hoseok looked closer and found that something was moving inside the ruby.

Hoseok looked up at seokjin for an explanation.

"Ah, yes, as I was saying, you seem more in control around me, and I looked into this, and this is the solution. The thing inside the ruby is my blood,"

Hoseok looked more confused, it didn't look like blood.

" my blood outside of my body is my weapon, I can control my blood, so that's why it's moving like this"

"Besides the point, what it will do is release my scent, and since my blood runs through your veins this will calm you down, all you have to do is wear it, and if you feel hunger it'll sense it and help you"

Hoseok did not know what to do he stared at the necklace.

"That means I won't need to drink?" He asked hopefully.

Jin shook his head "It's only a temporary help, you will need it when the urge gets stronger"

"Then this is pointless," hoseok said frustrated.

"It is not pointless if it helps you keep your fangs away from the people you love"

Hoseok groaned at that, seokjin always had to bring up his weakest points in every damn argument.

"Always wear it," Jin said ending the conversation.

Hoseok took the necklace and held it in his hand for a second more before finally placing the necklace around his neck.

"Good" seokjin said letting out the most genuine smile hoseok had ever seen.

"I'm leaving," hoseok said feeling his cheeks warm up.


"Hoseok!" A surprised voice came, the boy turned toward the voice and found jimin standing at his door.

"Hey jimin," hoseok said clearing his throat the boy sat down on his bed.

Jimin coming back to himself walked in closing the door behind him.

He approached his older brother and took the towel off of his shoulders.

"Where have you been? I haven't seen you in a while"

The younger started drying hoseoks hair.

Hoseok kept his gaze down not knowing what to tell his brother.

'Yeah well I've been sucking all of Jin's blood, haha, yes I'm a vampire'
how could he drop such things on his baby brother?

Hoseok sighed instead and took hold of jimin's wrist.

Guiding the boy to sit next to him, hoseok looked at jimin who was anticipating an answer.

"Nowhere, I've just had a lot on my plate these past few days"

Jimin looked unconvinced, "Forget my case talk to me about yoongi"

That caught jimin off-guard a soft blush crept onto his cheeks.

Sending a reassuring smile toward his brother hoseok patted the boy on the head.

"He has been good to me" jimin whispered embarrassed.

"That's good to hear" hoseok smiled at jimin.

"You sure you're okay? Please let me know if you need anything"

Hoseok nodded running a hand through jimins hair.

"What is that?" As he looked down jimins eyes locked with a certain thing around hoseok's neck.

"I thought you weren't into jewelry"

Hoseok looked at the necklace and cursed Jin under his breath.

"Oh uhm Dad gave it to me, and I didn't want to make him all sad, so I'm wearing it"

"Wow you doing something for Dad, that's new" jimin chuckled.

"Please let me know if you need help with anything, I'm going to head back to my room"

Leaving a soft peck on his brother's cheek jimin left.

Hoseok sighed falling on his bed.

"What a fucking nightmare"


Hii I would like to apologize for the length of this chapter but dont worry the next chapter will be longer!

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