2. All in Vain?

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POV Amelia

As my alarm rang, I sluggishly got out of bed, when I realised what happened last night. Shit! I was in bed with a complete stranger and we definitely had sex. It was my first day in the hospital. I couldn't be late, "Fuck!" I exclaimed, waking the stranger up.

"Good morning," he said.

"Yeah... good morning," I replied as rushed my way to the bathroom.

I was ready for work I wore a tank top and some sweatpants. I chose to be more comfortable for sure cause I probably would have to spend hours in the hospital. My dad had prepared me for this.
As soon as I walked out, I see the stranger still in bed. I was very anxious already, I needed him to leave!

"Hey,"  I called him.

"What to grab breakfast?" he asked smiling.

"I am really getting late for work so you mind..."

"Leaving?...Oh no problem," he says then he stated to grab his clothes and put them on.

"Thank you so much, I really appreciate it.... Uh," I said not recollecting his name.


"Oh nice to meet you— I am Amelia by the way," I said as I went in for a handshake.

"I know," he replied receiving my handshake. Then he held my chin and kissed me passionately before leaving. Ufff.. that got me weak in my knees for sure. But didn't have time to waste, I rushed to get to hospital. As I entered, I rushed to the reception to enquired where the interns went. Once I got the information I rushed.

As soon as I found the room, I went in. Inside, there were already many people, all interns it seemed. I went all the way back and stood there awkwardly staring at my phone, when some people approached me.

"Hi I'm Sophie," the girl introduced herself.

"And I'm Eric," the guy succeeded her.

"Hi, I'm Amelia" I introduced myself, then they introduced me to other. "This is Aakash, this is Maya, is Jimmy, and this Noah," Sophie introduced.

"Nice to meet all of you! I am Amelia" I said with a smile.

Then suddenly, a middle aged lady enters. "My name is Mary Thomas, to you all Dr Thomas and  I'll be supervising  you all from now on," She introduced herself. "I have been working in this hospital for god know how many years! But trust me, all of you will feel the same. So cherish these days, cause it's only gonging to get harder. Few things to keep in mind —-I do not, tolerate disrespect; second, if I said you did something wrong, you did it wrong don't argue and waste my time; and third, if you come late on shifts or skip shifts without valid reason you will have to do extra shifts to compensate," After her monologue we proceeded with the tour of the hospital.

"Hey Amelia, I heard that she's like the hitler of this hospital," Sophie says.

"She is infamous for making people's lives miserable. Apparently, if you do not reach the hospital before her she will just send you home or give you nightshifts if she is in a good mood," added Eric.

Surprised at where they got their information I asked "who told y'all about this?"

"Oh, we did our research before coming here," replied Eric.

"Didn't you?" Added Sophie.

"No, I didn't think it was needed," I say

"Oh, it probably wasn't but what's the harm in knowing," Sophie says.

"Don't worry we will tell you everything you should know," Eric added with a smile.

After the tour, we were immediate shown a room with dead bodies. It smelled horribly.

"I want sugar coat things for you all. So here we are in a mortuary," she said while one of the interns  fainted from the stench.

"You all can't be in good doctors if you are delicate creatures who get dizzy only with the smell of dead bodies," she remarked.

Couple of nurses escorted the fainted intern out, when Dr Thomas continued, "Now the important lesson for you here is that you will tirelessly work on dead bodies in the start. Later, if some of you get the chance to operate that is, you will do your best to prevent your patients from ending up in this room, that means dead. Get it!"

"Yes," everyone replied in unison.

As we came back from the tour, few doctors entires. And there with them..... was that stranger , I had sex with that morning! Liam!

POV Liam

After get kicked out of Amelia's apartment, I went to a breakfast place. My shifts at the hospital usually didn't start till late, I had more surgeries in the evening than the morning. As I ate my sandwich, I recalled Amelia, she was beautiful, those sparkly brown eyes when she looked at me and her soft lips every time she kissed me—she was really something. But it is all  in vain now, I didn't even get her number. Well maybe it was not meant to be, I thought. Then phone rang.

"Liam,where are you?" Steve asked.

"Getting breakfast, why?" I said.

"Today is the first day of the new interns we need to be there. Hurry up!" He exclaimed.

"Crap I totally forgot," I said rushing home.

Steve was the head of the surgical department at KJ hospital. We have been friends since college but became close when both joined the same hospital. Even though he is my senior we always hung out with each other as we had tons of common friends. I set him up with his wife, Stella. I was even his best man at his wedding. They have two children who are the cutest kids ever!

"Your late," Steve greeted me as I walked in.

"Nice to see you too, Dr Johnson," I replied sarcastically.

"What happened yesterday with Jessica?" He questioned as we walked to our destination.

"Nothing, why you ask?"

"Roy called me. Apparently she seemed pretty upset when she got back home. Did something happened between you two?"

"Not really, but she kinda starting hitting on me and I was not feeling it."

"Makes sense, she likes you," he said as he laughed.

I know but I'm not into her— she also had that thing with Roy, I just don't wanna complicate things."

"No, I get it," Steve agreed holding the door for me. As I entered, I saw her, Amelia?


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