13. I'm pregnant?

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POV Liam

She stands there silent, not ready to confess anything. I move closer to intimidate her, she just stands there with an annoying look on face.

"Liam stop, some one might see," she says not meeting my eyes.

"Why did you let Eric meet your dad" I whispered  in her ear settle

"Why do you care?, she says rolling her eyes. What are we for you to question me? Are you my friend? My boyfriend? No! So stop."

Pissed at her reply, i press her against the elevator as my hands rest on her waist. My hands slowly start feeling her as she starts breathing faster.

"Liam, we are in an elevator there are cameras," she warns.

"Shhh.." i lift her up then start kissing her. She puts her hands around my neck as I devour her body. Then I stopped. I put her down and released the stop botton. With a confused look on her face she asked, "what was that?..." When the elevator opened and I get off.

POV Amelia

I could not understand what Liam was trying to do. He trued me on then just left before climax. I did not know how to deal with the Liam situation and frankly I did not care. So what if Eric met dad, it wasn't a big deal. Even he could met my dad if he wasn't ashamed of showing me off. I went back to the ward to check on the patients.

"Hey Amelia! I need a huge favour," Sophie approaches me.


"Can you take my shift at the emergency ward today please... my mum's visiting so I need to go home early," she begged.

"Alright, I don't mind—but listen have you seen Eric?" I ask.

"Oh Eric left early today,"She says.

"Oh okay," I say

"Yes and thanks a lot I owe you one," she says as she leaves.

Amelia- hey Eric, it's my dad's birthday this weekend. I would love for you to come.

Eric- sure I'll be there.

I changed clothes in order to work at the emergency ward instead of Sophie, when I see my two nightmare together—Liam and Dr Thomas.

I gathered my guts and went in to inform Dr Thomas I'm here. After that awkward encounter I was so ashamed I just didn't k ow how to explain it. I figured we were gonna be officially so I wouldn't need to explain that much, but since we aren't I need to explain our situation for sure.

"Good Evening Dr, I am here to report for the emergency ward shit," I address Dr Thomas.

"Wait you weren't suppose to be here, where is that other one...what was her name?" She tries to think as Liam was standing beside her.

"Sophie," I help.

"Yes Sophie that one, what happened to her?" She asks.

"She wasn't feeling well so asked me to take her shift," I lie to save her ass.

"Alright," she said exhausted already.

"I'll see you later," said Liam to Dr Thomas as her left.

"What's up with him?" She asked rhetorically.

During my shift I did my best to help out Dr Thomas and was even assigned some patients independently when suddenly I felt dizzy. The next thing I knew I was in a stretcher.

"Ouch! Where am I?" I wake up.

"Hey, are you fine?" Dr Thomas checks up on me.

"Yes! I'm sorry I don't know what happened—I can help you with the patients," I try to get up.

"Hey don't worry about that," she assures me. "Listen Amelia... I don't know how to tell you this but—

"But what?" I ask.

"You might be pregnant," she says.

"Pregnant!" I say shocked.

"It's too early to say but—

"Yes I understand," I say still in shock. "Listen please don't tell Dr Lucas," I request.

"Yes of course, can I call somebody to pick you up?

"Yes you can call Hannah," I give her the number and details.

I was still in shock! I was gonna become a mother. I was carrying Lucas child! I didn't know what I was gonna do, but for now I needed to just be with the Hannah.

"Hey, Amy!" Hannah comes. "Are you fine?" She asks.

"No," I start sobbing.

"What happened?—they just told be your not well and I needed to come get you," she explained.

"Just get me out of here, I'll tell you the rest in the car," I requested.

"Yes," she helped me get into the car.

"So tell what happened? Is it stress? Exhaustion?" She starts guessing.

"I'm pregnant!" I drop the bomb.

"Pregnant?—-wait whose is it? And what?" She asks in astonishment.

"It's Liam's—we used condoms but I don't know what happened!" I panic.

"Hey calm down—condoms are only effective 93%," she says.

"You got that information from friends," I giggle.

"So are you gonna keep it?" She asks concern.

"Yes I think so—I mean I didn't want a baby right now but someday and I guess that day was suppose to me now," I explain still confused.

"Hey calm down now! It's gonna be so cool, I'm gonna be an aunt!" She says exited as I laugh.

"Are you gonna tell Liam?"

"I don't know."

"Hey, it's his baby too, I think he should know," she advises.

"You're right," I say contemplating when and how to tell him.

"Now let's go to the spa and get you a pamper day!" She suggests as we drive off.


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