5. Just friends?

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POV Amelia

"Hey!" Eric walked up to me.

"Which book are you reading?" He asks.

"Catcher in the rye," I reply.

"Woh! Classic, nice. By the way, something weird happened with me just now."

"What?" I ask.

"So this old couple came in for a general checkup. I examined whatever I was assigned and was waiting with them till their results came. Then out of the blue the old guy just removes  his pants—including his UNDERWEAR. I was super uncomfortable with his wiener hanging out, but then it got worse. Guess walked in?"


"Hitler," he whispers in my ear as we both burst out laughing.


I was already 10 minutes late when I left my apartment. Last night Hannah and I stayed up talking about Liam and Sebastian, because of which today, I was gonna have my ass whooped. As expected, Dr Thomas gave me night shit. I didn't complain a lot, I knew what was coming, except when Liam entered. He was doing some seminar on Surgical Anatomy.

Liam was acting weird from the past few days. I wouldn't smile when he looked at me, would act as if I was a strange. Something was up with him for sure.

As he walked in, he avoided eye contact with me. He seemed a little more pissed for some reason. Half wait through, a nurse entered and asked for a volunteer in the emergency room. The emergency room was the worst. All of us worked there during our first week and hated it. So obviously no one volunteered.

"Nichole, go," said Liam as our eyes met.

I was caught off guard. What the fuck! was he trying to do? Was he punishing for not going out with him? Or was it something else? I couldn't figure it out. 

After the tense session in the emergency ward I was livid. What was his problem? It was all fine for the past few days and now suddenly this happens. Frustrated, I went to the cafe to grab a cup of coffee when I bump into Liam.

"I'm sor.." I almost apologise before realising it was him.

He stares at me, then his eyes started to wander around and reaches my chest.

"Hey,eyes up here," I point to my eye

He didn't budge even a little, continued staring at my chest.

"Follow me." He said

As I followed him I was confused as to what it was all about. Was he angry with me?- for not going out with him. But that incident happened weeks ago, I though as we entered his office.

"Why are you wearing that shirt? he asked sternly.

"What are you taking about?" I said confused.

"That shirt, I can see you fucking breast!" he says.

"Oh.. yeah maybe but I have nipple covers on," I said as I looked down to check. "Whatever what is your problem," I asked immediately as he came behind me.

"My problem is that they distract me when I'm trying to focus," he said in my ear, softly kissing my neck while placing his hands on my hip.

"Is that why you send me off to emergency ward?" I asked as I closed my eyes from his touch.

He was kissing my neck, gently while his grip on my waist tightened. His hands slowly started moving upwards to my stomach and eventually to my chest. Both his has hands encapsulated my breast while he started biting and sucking my neck, harder.Soon his erection was thrusting my ass, moan escaped my mouth that I instantly regretted. He turned me around and started kissing my lips, grabbed my waist then proceeded to my ass squeezing them. I could not help but kiss back as my hands pulled his hair. Unbuttoning his shirt I threw it on the floor, feeling his muscular exterior with my hands. As I turned around and broke the kiss, his hands went from my ass to my breast. We were approaching the sofa when I came to my senses. And pulled back, halting it.

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