4. You have a wife?

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POV Amelia

Everything was peaceful for weeks in the hospital. I often saw Liam in the hallways, he would stare at me with that witty smile. I would always get butterflies when he saw me with those hazel eyes, it was that look—'I have seen you naked' look. Despite everything, things were going pretty smoothly, I was focusing on work, hanging out with friends and making the best out of my internship.

"Hey Amelia, what do you think of Dr Lucas? Isn't he kinda cute?" Sophie asked while we were having lunch.

"I don't know, he's out senior..." I said confused.

"So what, he's super hot. Have you seen his body? Ufff.."

"I don't think we should talk about him like that."

"Oh my god Amelia, how can I not! With his cute smile, mesmerising brown eyes and  chiseled body! How could I resist."

"Hazel eyes." I added focusing on my salad.

"He held the door for me once, he's such a gentleman!" Maya swooned.

"I'm definitely gonna ask for his number once our internship is over," said Sophie.

"But doesn't he have a girlfriend?" Asked Maya.

"I think he does," replied Sophie.

"Definitely married or dating, such a hot guy can't be single for sure," said Maya.

Once lunch was over we went back to work, but I could not get the lunch conversation out of my
head. Was he going to cheat with me on his girlfriend— worse wife? Does he have kids! I am a homeworker! Fuck! this is so messed up. A storm brewed in my mind. All of a sudden, I get a text from Liam.

Dr Lucas- go out with

What the fuck! Why would he ask me out?. Maybe he wants me to be his side chuck, work side chick! That would be perfect for him, wouldn't it. Plus, 'I' asked him to keep our situation a secret.... Did I get manipulated by him? Why would he do that, I started overthink, until o couldn't and decided to ask him face to face!

Me- can you meet me in your office?

Dr Lucas- no not in my office I'll take you to a nicer place:)

Me- I'm serious, I'll come once my shift is over

I tried  to start the topic again, even asked Sophie discreetly, but no one was certain of anything. I gave up on them knowing anything more than I did, and decided to ask Liam myself instead of believe the rumours. If he is dating or married I could end it all for good, but if he's not....

"Come in," he said as I knocked.

"Yes, tell me Nichole," he stared at me.

"The thing is... I want to ask you a questions," I say breaking the eye contact.


"So... some people were saying you are married or are dating someone— Those people were saying—I just wanted to know if it's true— you know we had sex—like with the whole sleeping with you— I NEED TO KNOW IF YOUR MARRIED OR  DATING!" I mumbled.

"Yeah, you caught me. I have been married for 6 years and have 2 kids— James and Rosy. Im sorry Nichole, it's just I couldn't help myself with you. I really like you."

I stood their too shocked to speak. So the rumours were true, I was his side chick. Shit! How can I be so stupid to think Liam was different, all guys are the same— they'll tell you they love you and the next minute they cheat on you, or in my case cheat with you, I though. Suddenly, Liam bursts out laughing.

"Are you fucking serious! You're laughing," I scorn.

"I'm sorry, but you actually fell for that!" He continued laughing. " I was just kidding Nichole. Do you think I'm such a guy? I would never cheat on you, your too precious to be cheated on."

I was relieved that the rumours weren't true. Thank god! I knew Liam was different for other guys I've dated in the past. He was mature, understand and would never cheat, it was just not his thing, I hope. Cheating is for losers!

"So you talk about be now? I thought we were gonna keep it a secret," He said with a smirk.

"No! I wasn't talking about you, they were—I was jus listening," I clarify.

"So is it a yes?"

"Yes for what?" I asked confused.

"Going out with me."

"Liam—I mean Dr Lucas you know we can't do this. You are my like my boss kinda.... It's complicated, you understand right?"

"Well, I won't stop asking," he said as I walked out.

POV Liam

Why wouldn't she just go out with me? She clearly has feelings for me. She cares if I am dating or not, then why wouldn't she just admit it, I think when Mary walks in.

"Hey what's wrong with you Liam, I've been knocking for a hot minute! What is got you so engrossed that you can't even hear."

"Nothing, just work," I coverup.

"Oh.. is it a girl? Your unusually happy today."

"No, no, it's not. What did you come for?" I ask

"I needed you to sign these papers of the interns, that's it."

"So the interns huh, How are they this year? I asked curiosity

"They are the like the ones before, horny! But I'm sure once they spend a few more years here, there sex drive will disappear, some will regain their virgin."

"Oh Mary!" I laugh. "Why did something happened," I ask.

"Oh I hardly can bare to see those googly eyes staring at each other... and the On Call room! Don't ask me, someone had a threesome there! Like what's next an orgy?"

"Who was it?" I ask.

"Some blond and a red head! Like need to put a no sex poster next to the np smoke one!" She says 

"Well, what can we do," I said as I handed over the papers. 

Once Mary left, I couldn't help but think about Nichole. There must be more reasons than 'your my senior' for not going out with me. She is pretty, she must definitely have her share of admirers. No wait! What? Am I jealous? No can't be, we aren't dating or even friends— why would I be jealous! I shouldn't be, I shouldn't care at all!

I go to to checkup on patients, also to distract myself from thinking about Nichole. When I spot her in the hallway, reading something. Then a guy comes and sits next to her. Both are laughing about something— something funny he said I bet.
Then HIS ARMS AROUND HER and whispers something I'm her ear.

Fuck! Were my suspicions right? Me being her boss was not her only reason to not date me? She's definitely fucking playing with me.


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