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It was Wednesday, December 15th 1977, and the Great Hall was full of students ranging from the age of 11 all the way to 17. The professors, the oldest of whom was the headmaster, aged 96, were sitting, talking to one another, waiting for the start of the school day.

Over with the students, a boy with messy, jet-black hair, hazel eyes and round-rimmed glasses was staring at a redheaded girl nearby while his friends were trying to get him to focus on them. This was James Fleamont Potter. James continued to zone out until the boy next to him, Sirius Orion Black III, who had long black hair and grey eyes, punched his arm, hard.

James met his eyes with an angry expression. "What in the name of Merlin was that for?" He asked Sirius with a disgruntled expression as he rubbed his arm.

"You were staring," the grey-eyed boy replied simply. James rolled his eyes and engaged in conversation with another of his friends, a boy with sandy brown hair and brown eyes, Remus John Lupin. All the while, Sirius, thinking no-one was watching him, sneaked a glance to a girl a few seats away from them. This was not the case though. Another of friends, a boy with brown hair and tiny brown eyes, Peter Oliver Pettigrew, noticed this and realised, another of his friends had a crush on a redhead who seemed to hate him. He groaned inside, knowing the rest of his 6th year and the whole of his 7th year was going to be full of 2 irritated redheads and 2 love-stricken pranksters. The four boys together were the Hogwarts pranksters, the Marauders.

Down the table, 4 girls were sitting together. The first girl was a redhead with emerald green eyes, the girl who one James Potter constantly asks on a date, Lily Marie Evans. She was talking to another redhead who had sapphire eyes, Riley Daisy Jackson. The two redheads were chatting about the Christmas holidays when their friend, a girl with curly blonde hair and blue eyes, Marlene McKinnon, tapped Riley on the back.

"Black's looking at you," she told the sapphire-eyed girl, then turning to emerald-eyed one, "And Potter's staring at you again." The two looked over at the boys as they both hurriedly looked away. Lily huffed, clearly annoyed and Riley rolled her eyes, both looking back to the other two girls.

"Forget those idiots," said a girl with short brown hair and brown eyes, Alice Fortescue. The girls all agreed to forget the Marauders and started talking again. The four girls were the Hogwarts sweethearts, the Fab Four. (Don't judge the name please.)

Over at the Slytherin table, another 3 boys were talking about the headmaster, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, who none of them trusted. The three boys were Regulus Arcturus Black II (Sirius' younger brother), Barty Crouch Jr and Evan Rosier.

A bright light suddenly flashed and in the middle of the room were 4 movies and a tape with a note laying on top of them. Dumbledore walked up to the pile and grabbed the note. It read:

'Dear students of Hogwarts, 1977,

This video and these 4 movies are about a girl by the name of Rose or, as many of you may know her, Lyra Lily Black, and her friends. Before you watch the movies, you will be getting some guests from 2 different places but at the same time, I hope these films reveal many things to you.

Regards from,

Chancellor Paige.'

At that very moment, with great force, the doors to the Great Hall swung open.

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