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In stormed the Potters (Fleamont, Euphemia, Charlus and Dorea), Weasleys (Arthur, Molly and 6-year-old Bill), Prewetts (Fabian and Gideon), Blacks (Walburga, Orion, Cygnus, Druella and Alphard), Lestranges (Rodolphus, Bellatrix and Rabastan), Malfoys (Lucius and Narcissa), Tonkses (Ted, Andromeda and 4-year-old Nymphadora), the Minister for Magic (Cornelius Fudge) and the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement (Amelia Bones).

"Dumbledore! We got a letter saying to come here," Fleamont Potter told the old headmaster.

"Same with us! Care to explain?" Arthur Weasley asked.

"It seems we have to watch these movies and this video but..." Dumbledore began but was cut off by a bright light. In the middle of the room, next to the movies and tape, were 6 teenagers and 2 adults. They all looked around in confusion. "Ah, this must be some of our guests. Do you mind introducing yourselves?"

"Sure," a girl with bushy brown hair and brown eyes replied. "So, we're from 1996. I'm Hermione Granger, I'm 16 and I'm a Gryffindor. You won't know my parents because I'm a muggleborn." The last statement caused many muggle-hating purebloods to scoff. Hermione rolled her eyes and moved to the side.

"I'm Ronald Weasley, I'm 16 and a Gryffindor. My parents are Molly and Arthur Weasley." A boy with red hair and blue eyes told them all.

"I'm Frederick Weasley," one boy with red hair and brown eyes started.

"And I'm George Weasley," his identical twin brother added.

"We're 18, we work at a joke shop called Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes and our parents are Molly and Arthur Weasley," they both finished together.

"I'm Ginevra Weasley, I'm 15 and also a Gryffindor.  My parents are Molly and Arthur Weasley," a girl with red hair and brown eyes said.

"I'm Draco Malfoy, I'm 16 and a Slytherin and my parents are Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy." A boy with white hair and grey eyes said.

"I'm Aries Lestrange, I'm 16 and I'm a Gryffindor. My parents are Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange." A girl with wavy black hair and grey eyes said. After her statement, the Great Hall erupted into whispers. The Blacks (minus Regulus, Sirius, Narcissa and Andromeda) all glared at the girl while the other four Blacks just smiled.

"SHUT IT!" Ginny exclaimed loudly. The whispers stopped abruptly. The newcomers (minus Aries) glared back at the Blacks who had glared.

"Anyways, Harry, carry on please."

"Ok, I'm Harry Potter, I'm 16, I'm a Gryffindor and my parents are James Potter and Lily Evans." said a boy with messy jet-black hair and emerald green eyes. Silence. Then the eruption. The jingling of galleons, sickles and knuts, the chatter of students and professors alike and the screams of James Potter.

"I GOT EVANS! I GOT EVANS! I GOT..." James yelled.

"SHUT UP!" Lily screamed, tired of the boy. "I married the arrogant toe-rag!"

The newcomers sat with their parents (in Aries's case, her uncle Sirius and aunt Andromeda).

Their was another bright flash and there was 8 more teenagers in the middle. They seemed as if they had been looking at something dangerous or scary.

"Hello? Would you mind introducing yourselves?" Dumbledore asked the 8 of them.

"Um, I'm Gally and I'm 15," a boy with black hair and green eyes said.

"I'm Minho and I'm 17," an Asian boy with black hair said.

"I'm Newt and I'm 16," a boy with blonde hair and a British accent said.

"I'm Teresa and I'm 17," a girl with black hair and ocean blue eyes said.

"I'm Thomas and I'm 16," a boy with brown hair and blue eyes said.

"I'm Alby and I'm 17," a boy with short-cropped hair said.

"I'm Alex and I'm 16," a boy with blonde hair and brown eyes. (AN: Alex is my OC played by Ross Lynch. He is named after Alexander Fleming.)

"And I'm Rose and I'm 16," a girl with fiery red hair, graphite eyes and a British accent ended. (She is named after Rosalind Franklin.) Just then a note appeared in front of Newt. It read:

'Just so you know, Rose (Lyra) is the daughter of Sirius Black and Riley Jackson. She is a wand-wielder but doesn't have a wand. Before we watch the movies, we will watch some clips about the gang.

Yours sincerely,

Chancellor Paige.'

There was a bright flash and everyone was sitting on comfy sofas. 

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