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On the screen was the name Gally.


"Okay, just going to say... That was hot!" Ginny blurted out, many of the girls agreeing while Rose just burst out laughing.

"Shut up Rose," Gally groaned.

"Didn't say anything," Rose replied, stifling her laughter. The next name on the screen was Minho.


"Okay, why did that look so sad?" James asked. When he didn't get an answer, he was worried for his future niece and Sirius and Riley were worried for their future daughter. The next name was Newt.


"Wh- What happened to him?" A second year Hufflepuff asked.

"I don't know," Rose replied, looking over at Newt, who gave her an 'I'm ok' look. The next name on the screen was Teresa.


"You're AMAZING!" Aries blurted out, many nodding in agreement.

"WHOOO GO T!" Rose shouted, causing Teresa to smile at her friend's antics. The next name on the screen was Thomas.


"Why were they laughing at him running?" Draco asked.

"You'll see when you watch the movies," Minho told him. The next name was Alby.


"Woah, you're brilliant," Harry told the boy.

"That's why he's our leader," Thomas said proudly. The next name on the screen was Alex.


"You're amazing with a sword," Fred told him.

"Thanks," Alex replied.

"Yeah, his sword is literally his baby," Rose added jokingly, earning a glare from her best guy friend. The next name on the screen was Rose.

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