Fighting lessons at WICKED

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Riley had now taken the remote from Sirius and pressed play.

A 10-year-old girl was sitting in her barracks, utterly confused and bored. Confused because she had seen other girls, yet she wasn't aloud to interact with them. Bored because she had absolutely nothing to do.

"Where the hell is 'the barracks'?" A random Slytherin asked. He got no reply.

The girl was lying in the bed, staring up at the ceiling, her fiery red hair covering her eyes. She huffed, blowing the hair out of her face. The girl had dazzling graphite eyes. She heard the squeak of a door.

"That's you!" A Hufflepuff called out to Lyra.

"No shit!" Evan replied.

She looks forward to see a woman come in. It was her escort, Kylie, a 26 year old woman with long brown hair and sapphire eyes. "Come along, Rose, it is time for your lessons," she said to the young girl, who got up from her bed and followed obediently.

Ah, yes, Rose. Her name wasn't Lyra Lily Black anymore; her name now was Rose, named after the scientist, Rosalind Franklin. She was Subject A3, The Fighter.

"I'm sorry, the Fighter?" A Ravenclaw called out; it was Gilderoy Lockhart.

"Yes, dumb shit, now shut up!" Lily exclaimed, glaring at the boy. She turned to the Gladers, "Are you all named after scientists?"

"Yes," Alex replied. "For example, I'm named after Alexander Fleming."

A few hours later, Rose was being escorted to her next lesson when she bumped into a boy with blonde hair and brown eyes. They caught each other's eyes, stopping abruptly, before his escort roughly pulled him forward.

"That's you!" Gilderoy exclaimed.

"Didn't Lily just tell you to shut up," Marlene asked, getting annoyed.

She was taken to a hall and onto a platform, where she was to await the arrival of her fighting instructor. Ten minutes past, and finally, he arrived. The instructor was a man in his mid-20s with brown hair, brown eyes and a short beard. His name was Jayden Phillips.

"Hello, Rose. Are you ready?" he asked the girl.

"I'm always ready," she replied.

Jayden walked away, only to turn back and try to shoot Rose with one of his arrows. The said girl moved to the side, making the arrow hit the wall. She grabs the bow and twisted it. Jayden pulled the bow back and turned around, aiming a kick at her. She jumped back just in time, landing on her feet. She kicked him, allowing herself to jump off of the level they were on and land on the one under them. Jayden followed her and she swung herself around a pole, kicking him square in the chest. He aimed another arrow at her and fired but she was too quick.

She swung herself around another pole, landing on the platform on the opposite side. Jayden jumped onto the platform. He tried hitting her with his bow twice but she ducked, only to resurface and grab the string with her hands. Jayden used this to his advantage, spinning around and making the 10 year old lean against a railing. She suddenly kicked him, then proceeded to elbow him in the face, making him grunt and release her.

Jayden abandoned his attempt at using his bow and pulled out two knives.

"Where the hell did he get knives?" Barty asked.

He attempted to stab her but Rose grabbed both of his hands and kicked him in the face. She then twisted his arm with all of her force, causing him to let out a cry of pain. Jayden looked back, threw his knife up and caught it with the other hand. He once again attempted to stab her but she ducked, letting go of his other arm.

"What the?" Alby shouted.

He aimed yet another punch at Rose but she caught his arm and bent it downwards. Jayden brought it up and pinned her against a pole. She tried walking forward but he grabbed her hair and pulled her head down, aiming a knife at her neck. She bit his arm with a lot of power, making him scream. She flipped under his arm and threw him against a railing making him hit his head and cry out.

"Sounds cool!"

Jayden looked up at her and muttered, "Rose," to her, but she punched him in the face, making him fall back.

This is what the fight looked like:

"You're amazing at fighting!" Draco told Rose, causing her to smile at him warmly.

"I win," the girl said innocently as Jayden stood up.

"You win," the man agreed.

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