The new girl

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"Ughhh," Tyler groans, covering his ears with his pillow as the repetitive knocking at our door persists

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"Ughhh," Tyler groans, covering his ears with his pillow as the repetitive knocking at our door persists.

I roll over, rubbing my tired eyes before looking at the alarm clock that rests on my nightstand which reads six thirty.

Carter is the first to cave in, finally climbing out the warm comfort of his bed and making his way to the door, mumbling a string of curse words as he does so.

"Finally," Mr. Davis huffs, pushing his way into our room with an arm full of bags and wheeling a pink suitcase.

"Woah, what's all this?" Emilio asks, sitting up in his bed.

"You've got a new roommate coming this morning, clean this up." He orders, dumping the luggage on the ground and storming back out.

Each room in the hall has four bunkbeds, meaning eight people can sleep in any one room. Our room is the only one that still has two beds left so it makes sense we'd be getting the new student.

We use the extra bunk as a dumping ground for all our dirty clothes and rubbish which is going to be a bitch to have to clean up this early in the morning.

"Does this guy wanna get bullied?" Dexter snickers, looking at the bright pink suitcase laying in the middle of the floor.

"I know, and seriously?" Emilio says, picking up the plush bunny that was thrown amongst his belongings.

We pile all are rubbish in black sacks and chuck them into the hall, where someone will eventually pick them up.

I sit back on my bed, hoping to get twenty more minutes of sleep before breakfast when the obnoxious sound of a bell rings through the halls.

We all groan, heading out into the hall in our pyjamas and joining everyone else who's now filing into the common room.

Our dorm supervisor, Mr. Davis is not only a huge dickhead but also a sadistic fuck who loves to punish us for sleeping.

He has the 'If I have to be awake this early everyone does' mindset.

Which is why he owns a large handheld bell that he rings whenever he wants, anyone that doesn't report to the common room once they hear it is immediately assigned to cleaning the bathroom, which trust me is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

We make it to the common room which is just a large open space with eight long sofas, a tv and pool table. Everyone is sleepily sitting down, some people even have their eyes shut as Davis continues ringing his obnoxious bell.

I lean against the pool table with Emilio right beside me as he finally stops and clears his throat. "I have an announcement," He exclaims to the completely uninterested crowd. "Today a new student will be joining Oakwood Hall," He explains.

This is why he made us get out of bed? Nobody cares when new students join, they usually just come in unannounced and nobody bats an eye.

"For the first time in Oakwood history a girl will be joining us," He finalises.

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