Going off the rails

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Y/N was sitting on a bench while waiting for the train to arrive as he was waiting Amber sat next to him. 

Amber: Are you okay?

Y/N looked into Amber's eyes and responded to her question.

Y/N: Honestly, no. We have more problems piling up and that letter I got about Salem having her own dark riders and how not to trust Ironwood. I'm pretty sure I'm not okay.

Amber: So what are you going to do. 

Y/N then pulled out a small briefcase and looked at it. 

Y/N: We need to even the game. We need another rider. 

Y/N then looked to Jaune, Ren, and Nora who was talking with his group. 

Y/N: And I think I know who can pull it off. 

As Y/N got up he saw two guys trying to hit on Yang and Ruby. As he was about to say something he soon bumped into a a hooded figure. Who soon fell to the ground Y/N then extended his hand out to help the person out.

Y/N: Sorry.

???: It's quite alright Y/N, I wasn't looking where I was going.

As the person left Y/N saw Qrow already handling the situation. AS Y/N turned around back to take a seat he soon stopped to think about the person he had just bumped into too.

Y/N: When did I tell that person my name?

An Hour Later

Y/N was looking out the window of train, as it was moving. He then looked to his side to see the girls playing a game of cards while Raven and Crow were taking a drink at another seating area. 

Lucy: Four 9's!

Sienna: Pair of jacks!

Amber: Two Queens! I win!

Ruby: Wait, I have two aces and two Kings!

Neo soon placed her hand up and placed four cards on the table down. 

Weiss: A ten, a jacks, a queen, a king, an ace, and a joker card. She has a royal flush.

Everyone soon got upset, as Neo smiled after placing the five cards down. Neo then sat next to Y/N and leaned next to him. As she sat down next to Y/N she soon looked at the laptop that was on his lap. She soon pulled out a tablet and showed it to him. 

Neo: Another driver?

Y/N: Yeah, something like that. This was a driver I was working on for like a while back. I made it during my time in beacon. 

Neo then wrote something else down on the tablet and showed it to Y/N again.

Neo: Did you ever complete it?

Y/N: Yeah, but I never been able to use it. The last time I put it on, there was a problem. 

Neo then wrote something else on it. 

Neo: Like what?

Before Y/N could say anything else, Yang soon pulled Neo back to the group. 

Yang: Care to explain this!

Yang soon showed the four cards that Neo had played and soon the appearance of them changed two eights and two aces. Neo soon wrote down on the tablet and showed to to Yang.

Neo: I can explain.

Neo soon ran out of the train car with Yang and some of the other girls chasing her. As that was happening Jaune soon sat next to Y/N while playing with his hand.

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