The Next Step

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Percival woke up in a cage and looked to see several bandits in the area. He looked to his left to see his team as well in the cage and bound. He then looked to his right and was soon met face to face with Weiss. Who was also in a cage and next to her was a bird cage. Percival looked to see it was the Cross-Z Dragon inside.

Percival: Weiss!

Weiss looked at Percival and was soon met with a kick to the face by her. Percival then tried to remember how all this happened.


Percival and his team were sitting in a campfire next to the airship that was nearby. Percival was looking through the airship's monitor while Ariel and Naomi were setting up a campsite. Yuko looked at Percival and walked up to him. 

Yuko: Are you okay?

Percival stopped what he was doing and looked at the monitor. 

Percival: Honestly, no. I took advantage of my best friend, who I looked as a brother. I Used his technology and gave it to a guy who thinks the best way to end this all is to nuke every part of the world to end a threat that might not even work. But worst of all, I don't know how to make this right. 

Yuko looked at Percival and sat behind him on one of the seats. 

Yuko: Can I be honest with you?

Percival: Yeah, I could uses a little honesty.

Yuko: I don't think we could ever go back to be good. But I think we have a chance to make things better. If we wake up everyday and try to make things better, eventfully we find that better is good enough.  

Percival soon sat down with Yuko. He then pulled out a silver necklace. As he looked at it, he spoke.

Percival: Good enough.

Yuko then stood up in front of Percival and looked at him. Percival looked to see her giving him a hand with a smile. 

Yuko: Good enough!

Percival put the necklace away and looked back to Yuko and gave her his hand.

Percival: Alright, good enough. 

Yuko soon pulled Percival up and Percival looked to Ariel and Naomi who was looking at them with a smile on them.  

Percival: Alright, let's go look for Y/N and -.

Percival soon felt a sting to his neck. Percival soon fell to his knees, as he did he looked to his team who had fell to the ground. He then pulled what had stung his neck and saw it was a blow dart. He soon saw a group of people coming out of the forest and into the light of the campfire. Percival was soon met with one of the people who had a mask on them. The masked figure look at Percival and then look to the group. 

Raven: Grab what you can carry. 

She then looked to a few more who walked to her.

Raven: Take them with you.

She soon grabbed one of the men who had a grin on his face. 

Raven: Do not harm them in anyway.

Raven then brandish her sword's tip to the guy's crotch. 

Raven: Or there will be hell to pay!

The guy soon dropped his smile into a look of fear when she said that. 


Percival soon woke up again and look to see a women who looked almost like Yang looking at him. 

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