The Cat, The Panther, The Lion, & The Wolf (Side Story: Blake)

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Y/N was in bed and began to toss and turn. He then opened his eyes to see Blake kneeling down staring at him. The shock of seeing that early in the morning caused Y/N to fall out of bed in fear.

Y/N: AAAAHHHH! Blake, why are you just sitting their watching me!

Blake: I was asked to wake you up. But I saw how peaceful you looked while sleeping so I decided to watch you while you sleep.

Y/N: We'll thanks to that, you may have shaved a few years off my life!

Blake soon turned around to allow Y/N to change as he was changing Blake began to blush and play with her hands a bit. 

Blake: So, I know we leave in a few days, but I have to ask, are you doing anything important today?

Y/N soon put on his coat and looked to Blake.

Y/N: No, I'm pretty sure all I'm doing today is just doing some maintenance on the drivers.

Blake soon turned around with a smile on her face. 

Blake: Great then you can come with me today!

Y/N soon gave a confesses look to what Blake had said. 

Y/N: Why?

Blake: Well, my mom has been wanting to meet you for a while and my dad too. So I thought today might be the perfect time to mee them. 

Y?N: Your parent want to see me? Should I be worried?

Blake: Don't worry you'll be fine. Probably

Y/N: What was that last part?!

Blake: Huh? Oh, I said party. Yeah my mom will probably throw a party just to meet you. 

After Blake said that she soon began to leave the room and Y/N soon ran out to yell for her.

Y/N: I definitely didn't hear party! Did you say probably? What the hell does probably means, Blake?!

Blake soon left leaving Y/N all alone in the hallway as he returned back to his room and sat on his bed in defeat. 

Amber: Looks like things are getting real serious with you two.

Y/N soon looked around the room to find Amber, only to see that no one was around. 

Y/N: Amber, where are you?

Amber: Ah, where's the fun in just telling you.

Y/N: Wait, I know. you're using the power of ghost. 

Soon a orange light appeared in front of her showing herself in her ghost rider form. 

Y/N: Those drivers aren't meant, for your own amusement. 

Amber soon transformed back and then sat next to Y/N with a smile on her face. 

Amber: Can you blame me? These things are so much fun to use. 

Y/N: They're also not toys. Anyway, I have a big problems then that.

Amber: You mean meeting with Blake's parents.

Y/N: Not just that.

Amber: You mean when you finally told them the truth about them.


Y/N was sitting with everyone in the living room who were looking at the center of the living room table.

Ruby: So this is the relic of knowledge. 

Ozpin: That's right.

Y/N: This lantern is the relic of knowledge. I was expecting, I don't know a book maybe.

The Remnant Rider (Male Kamen Rider X RWBY)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن