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Aadhya's POV

"Excuse me ma'am!" I run to catch up with my Textile professor Ms. Brown or she prefers Lizze.

She turns around hearing my voice "Yes Aadhya"

"Ma'am are you free? Could I talk to you for a moment?" I ask desperately hoping she is free. She looks at her watch and says "Yeah. I have 15 mins. Tell me"

I take my design and mind map, for the Winter Design Project 1, out to show her "Ma'am I've made the changes you had previously asked me to. This is the revised version of my sketch and along with that I've also done some research with the materials and stuff. I've made something like a mind map"

She takes the paper and starts reading it while I stand there nervously cracking my knuckles. After a tortuous 5 mins, her face finally breaks into a grin.

"I must say you've done a good job. I personally love the sleeves. You can proceed with the making of the dress. This will look impressive on your portfolio. But before you start the portfolio, I'll show you a few samples and I'll give you a few more ideas to make it exceptional."

By now I have a grin ear to ear, not able to contain the happiness. I furiously nod "Definitely ma'am. Let me know when you're free I'll stop by your office"

With a smile then she leaves and I go to the café where I'm guessing everyone is. The bell rings when I open the door of the café and I walk in to the cashier to place an order for hazelnut latte with extra cream and a sandwich. Because the order will be prepared in some time I walk to our usual spot only to find all of my friends are there!

I clear my throat to grab their attention. "So guess whose design has been finalized for the Winter Design Project 1?"

They all look up from their gadgets and look at me confused. Anaya's face suddenly breaks into a realizing grin "No way! Shut up! Your design has been approved! OMG I'm so happy for you"

She squeals in excitement and launches herself at me. Meanwhile other congratulate me as well

"Babe, I'm so proud of you!! I knew you could do it" Aditi screams and hugs me along with Rishi and Sid who says "obviously she had to get it. Whose friend is she huh? Mine" making me roll my eyes at him. I narrate everything that ma'am said about the portfolio.

".. So now I need to get all the fabrics and other materials. The submission is before Christmas and now it's the end of October. I have like only 2 months in hand and it will be over within a blink of the eye. And if I don't start now then I won't be able to submit the project and if don't do that-" Dhruv interrupts my rambling and overthinking

"Chill! you have 2 months and you will complete it" Before I can reply the barista calls me and I walk to him to pick my order but I almost miss the person I've been ignoring ever since the party in Manali.

It's been 3 weeks since we're back from the trip and I've been avoiding him since then. I would be lying if I said his words didn't hurt me because it did and honestly now it feels like I'm used to feeling unwanted.

He doesn't want me anywhere near him and I'm simply fulfilling his wishes. It was a little easy because of classes and I've been working pretty hard on this project. For the other times I kinda lured Sid into telling his schedule as it's the same for Reyhaan as well.

Somewhere down the line, he was correct about the pretend I play. It was like he could see right through me. Right through the walls I have built for myself. High enough that no one has seen beyond.

The person I truly am. The things I have hid. The things I am ashamed of. The things that make me truly myself. My insecurities, my anxiety, my fears. But how did he see right through the layers, when no one before could know until and unless I tell them.

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